View Full Version : A New Nova!

Keith E Byrd
03-01-2011, 8:37 PM
Well, I walked into my local Woodcraft store today and asked do you have any Nova DVR XPs in stock? He said yes, I have two. I asked Do you know when they will be going on sale? He said in March. I said it is March! The Woodcraft store now has one! :D:D:D
Can't wait to get my stand rebuilt and set up! Give me a couple of weeks and I'll post some pictures.

Ray Bell
03-01-2011, 8:39 PM
Congrats Keith, I think you will love this lathe.

John Keeton
03-01-2011, 8:43 PM
Keith, I just posted a congrats in the other thread, and noticed you deleted your post - a new thread is a better plan!! Sounds like you did well - can't wait to see the new setup.

David E Keller
03-01-2011, 8:49 PM
Congrats on the new toy/tool! Perhaps a calendar for the Woodcraft store would be in order.:D

Steve Vaughan
03-01-2011, 8:49 PM
Got one myself. Yup, gonna love it. When I got mine, it was an upgrade from the cheapo 12" 20 year old craftsman. So, when I got it up and running, I must have spent several hours over a couple days cutting it on and playing with the variable speed. I was like a kid at Christmas. Could not believe I could own something that didn't vibrate or bounce all over the floor when you turned it own.

Somewhere, maybe youtube, there's a video of a guy that takes a nickel and stands it on it's edge on top of the motor and runs the lathe up to top RPM without it falling over. Ya gotta understand my ridiculous giddiness here. I didn't own much of anything that you couldn't set a brick on and it wouldn't fall off or go flying and slap the wall! Congratulations!

Bernie Weishapl
03-01-2011, 8:54 PM
Keith you are going to love it. Turned that big gnarly oak on it with no problems. Enjoy.

Alan Trout
03-01-2011, 9:08 PM

Congratulations. We are still waiting on the pictures.


Mark Hubl
03-01-2011, 11:10 PM
Congrats on the new lathe. Happy spinnin'!

Michael James
03-01-2011, 11:53 PM

Congratulations. We are still waiting on the pictures.

Hmmm I dont see a lathe.. a lathe box.....nothing........

bob svoboda
03-02-2011, 9:37 AM
Congrat's. Can't wait to see pic's!

Steve Schlumpf
03-02-2011, 12:41 PM
Congrats on your new lathe! 2 weeks before photos? I agree with Michael - even pictures of the lathe box would be considered proof of purchase!

Carol Kinney
03-02-2011, 12:55 PM
Yeah - proof please :)! I've been looking at those and it is one that is near the top of my list. After a few weeks please let us poor folks with our sorry looking and running lathes how it handles - rub it in really good now because we need to know all the details. Congratulations!

Bob Borzelleri
03-02-2011, 2:44 PM

I'd be happy to forward you some pictures of the box my Nova came in. :cool:


Peter Fabricius
03-02-2011, 4:08 PM
That is really funny!!!
Here is my box with the DVR coming home on 29 Dec 2009.
I hope you enjoy your new lathe as much as I continue to do.
Peter F.

Keith E Byrd
03-03-2011, 6:55 AM
OK! This day will not end without a picture of the box. A friend is coming over this morning to help me unload it - it is still in the back of the truck! (I know that I am not being very nice to it leaving it in the truck this long!)

Keith E Byrd
03-03-2011, 7:05 AM
This is in the back of my truck - when I open the box tonight I will take more pictures!:D:D


Ricc Havens
03-03-2011, 11:53 AM
Anyone have a link to the March flyer? I looked on their website and the sale flyer only shows prices good until today.


John McCaskill
03-03-2011, 12:04 PM
Definitely have a friend help. Lifting the headstock end by yourself up onto a stand is a bad idea. DAMHIKT :)

Keith E Byrd
03-03-2011, 2:24 PM
Ricc the sale starts on 3/6 - store has a flyer.