View Full Version : Wood Choice for crib.

Pedro Reyes
03-01-2011, 1:13 PM
HI all, I am about to start a new project. I wanted to probe experienced woodworkers about properties, wher I am I've narowed it down to 4 species...

Cherry, Walnut, Roasted Birch & Mahogany.

I have never worked with the birch or mahogany. How do these compare to Cherry as far as easy with handtools?

Also any concerns with the wood choice for a crib?

any help appreciated.


Jim Koepke
03-01-2011, 2:15 PM
Also any concerns with the wood choice for a crib?

Yes. My understanding is that cherry is a safe wood to use around children that may chew on things.

Just now doing a search, it seems the easiest is to search on toxic woods. I did not spend a lot of time on this, but Google is your friend.

Maybe do a search on each wood species you want to use. I know some woods are unsafe to use around children.


john brenton
03-01-2011, 3:00 PM
I think most fruit woods are good. If you're worried about the kid actually gnawing on the wood (I have never seen this phenomena with my kids), then maybe the finish would be a concern too.

The bigger concern is strangulation, or any moving parts. If you're making an old style crib it shouldn't be a problem, but any moving parts or spaces wide enough for a child to slip through...yikes.

I remember not too long ago I saw an image of what can happen to a child in a bed....I'll leave out the details of how so that nobody is stuck with a mental picture. But I just thought how awful it would be...period....but even more so if it was a bed or crib you had made yourself.

Pedro Reyes
03-01-2011, 4:23 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I am using a book, which has guidelines and plans. It is difficult to keep up with whoever makes up the code. But the basic stuff is there (e.g. max space between slats, finishes, no knobs for clothing to catch on, making sure mattres is tight against all sides, etc. etc.)

I should have googled the toxicity. BUt I ma still curious if anyone has worked with Birch and it is perhaps easier to work with over cherry.


john brenton
03-01-2011, 4:26 PM
I love cherry. I don't know if I've worked with birch before...I'm sure I have, I just can't place when. Cherry is a joy to work, the only problem is the price. Some areas are cheaper than others, but around here it's over $6/bf at most lumber yards.

Pedro Reyes
03-01-2011, 4:26 PM
Nevermind, read enough about Roasted Birch to discard it. I had infered that it would be more brittle, and it is, but it is also harder to glue apparently.

Walnut is not prettier than Cherry (for me).

So now a race between Cherry and Mahogany.

Any comments on workability.
