View Full Version : Rabbet bit, router table, and no D/C...not a good combo

Troy Turner
02-28-2011, 1:19 PM
So I'm making my 2nd shadow box, and instead of using a straight bit like I did on the first one, I decide I want to use my rabbet bit in the router table to create the recess on the back.

The first one I did, I ran each piece individually and snuck up on my cut. Two of the pieces could go end to end, but the other two had to have stopped rabbets due to the design.

On the 2nd one, I said hey, I have a bit for this. Let's assemble the whole thing (a square) and run it on the router table.

I had no way to get any kind of dust collection what so ever anywhere near this and it was some kind of dirty. When I made my first pass and realized it was going to get dusty, did I do the smart thing and stop, reset the fence, take it apart, and run each piece individually????

NOPE, kept right on going...I inhaled enough dust to make a small shelf :D

If I do a 3rd one, each piece will be ran seperately, with the rabbet bit still, but all blowing towards the vac....

johnny means
03-01-2011, 11:10 AM
One option would be through the table DC. My router table is an enclosed cabinet with an an area that encloses the router, my DC hose goes right into the back of the cabinet. I use this as my primary DC when table routing and captures 99% of the dust and chips I make.

Andrew Pitonyak
03-01-2011, 12:13 PM
I did something similar with MDF and I have to say, it was not pretty when I was finished. I am still cleaning dust a few weeks latter.