View Full Version : veneer edging

Joe Mcclaran
02-26-2011, 6:37 PM
I just used this product on a project. I had some success on most of the edges, but I keep finding spots that didn't stick. I used a small wood block to press veneer down. Should I have used some glue with this product. Thanks for your advice!!!

Peter Quinn
02-26-2011, 7:46 PM
Can you be more specific about which type of veneer edging you used? Are you talking iron on, or PSA (pressure sensitive adhesive)? For the iron on stuff there is a certain pace you have to find so you go slow enough to melt the glue properly, but not so low that you burn the veneer or get the glue so soft the stuff moves all around. And you have to press right behind the iron as you go to get the best bond, not iron the whole edge and go back later to apply pressure with the block. Also, don't rush the edge trimming, give it ten or fifteen minutes to set up and really cool off first.

Joe Mcclaran
02-27-2011, 3:11 PM
Peter, I used iron on veneer. This was the first time for me to use veneer. I did as the instructions stated, hot iron, move slow, but not to slow to burn veneer. I let it cool over night before trimming. When I find the places that are not stuck down, I just re-heat the spot and press down with wood block. I think next time I will trim with a wood edge instead of veneer. Thanks Peter for your reply.