View Full Version : Spalted Quartet

Jeff Nicol
02-26-2011, 4:43 PM
Well I finally got a few minutes to get a little finish on one and final turn 3 others. The bowl, flat top HF and the SW pot are all spalted hard maple and the round/oblong HF is spalted White birch. Still a lot of finish to be applied and hand sanding to be done, but at least it was wood and not steel that I was working on! I felt good to spin some wood!

Thanks for looking,


Steve Schlumpf
02-26-2011, 5:02 PM
You made the most out of that wood! Sure is some beautiful stuff! Glad to see you getting some turning in - before you forget how!

Nice work on everything Jeff - especially the SW pot!

Ron Bontz
02-26-2011, 5:06 PM
Don't sit on that egg. It might hatch.:D Nice looking wood. I am gonna have to track down some more of that stuff. :)

David E Keller
02-26-2011, 5:33 PM
Nice work, Jeff! I'm glad you got a chance to do a little turning. Beautiful wood all the way around and a nice variety of forms.

Josh Bowman
02-26-2011, 5:35 PM
Jeff, nice stuff, I really like the round HF.

bob svoboda
02-26-2011, 5:45 PM
Hey Jeff. Nice stuff! That spalted hard maple is really pretty.

Bernie Weishapl
02-26-2011, 5:55 PM
Really nice pieces Jeff. I do like that wood.

Tony De Masi
02-26-2011, 6:12 PM
Wonderful pieces Jeff. Glad you were able to find the time.

Jeff Fagen
02-26-2011, 7:19 PM
Nice to see some of your turnings.Keep up the good work!You are an inspiration.

John Keeton
02-26-2011, 7:36 PM
Jeff, it has to feel good to get back to some turning! Glad you set aside some time. These are all nice pieces, especially the form on the left. Great looking wood!

Leo Van Der Loo
02-26-2011, 7:49 PM
Those are very nice pieces Jeff, I especially like the flat top HF and yes spalted wood always makes the turnings so much better to look at, thanks for posting and hope you will have some more sweet turning time to do what you really like doing ;-))

Lee Koepke
02-26-2011, 8:18 PM
I like those. The wood is amazing!

Bob Bergstrom
02-26-2011, 9:12 PM
Way to show the versatility of you turning ability. Great wood and great technique in turning them.

Michael James
02-26-2011, 9:59 PM
You da man.... that's what it's all about! For a guy that eats, breathes, and (doesn't) sleeps woodturning stuff, it's really good to see you spending some "turn, turn, turn" time. :cool:

Baxter Smith
02-26-2011, 10:04 PM
Glad you got some time to turn. They all look great!

Jim Burr
02-26-2011, 10:08 PM
Well it's about time!!! Glad to have you back! I'd have to say my favorite is the spalted one:rolleyes:;)

Richard Madden
02-27-2011, 12:26 AM
Beautiful wood and some really nice shapes. Hope you will get more time for turning.

Dan Forman
02-27-2011, 3:11 AM
Great looking wood and some interesting shapes to boot.


Doug W Swanson
02-27-2011, 8:22 AM
Great stuff! They look very nice in the pictures. I'm sure they are even better in person!

Michelle Rich
02-27-2011, 8:35 AM
good job on those..glad you had time to turn

Jeff Nicol
02-27-2011, 9:17 AM
Good morning and thank you for all the great comments and encouragement! I am busy cleaning up the house and getting things done before my bride comes home this afternoon. She has been up watching our grandson this weekend and I am left to be the "Domestic God" well I would say more like "GOOF" ! I was very lucky to get a bunch of the spalted wood from my cousins timber harvest. We cleaned the field landing and made firewood out of a lot of it and piled it up for later, but when I got it home and started splitting it there was some of the greatest spalting I have seen. I have been sending a lot of it out to folks in packages as filler in flat rate boxes so I am spreading the wealth!

I will post some nicer finshed pictures soon, just a few more orders and I am on hiatus from tool making, and I need to clean and organize the shop before I have to stand on one foot and balance sideways to work in it!!

Thanks again and have a great day, I have to go shovel the drive way from yesterdays and todays snow showers,
