View Full Version : Porter Cable Biscuit Cutter Joiner

Chris Barnett
02-26-2011, 9:34 AM
Needing a biscuit cutter and reviews indidcate the PC 527 type 3 7 amp is the cat's pajamas. Problem is that all I can find is the type 4, 7 amp! Have read that there is also a difference in the fence.
Anyone have the time to advise what that fence difference might be? I am assuming that the change to the 7 amp occured when PC was bought out...could easily be wrong though. For all I know the new fence is as good as the old; and either 7 amp or 7.5 amp would handle my work, but the physical change in the motor might be more critical than the amps.
Have searched on web for store that has the 7.5 amp and no luck.
Any great ideas to help me over this hurdle? [And yeah, the Domino is probably nice but I only make some small stuff as a hobby, don't sell cause I make very....few....items.]

Matt Winterowd
02-26-2011, 2:57 PM
It just so happens, that I have one for sale over in the classifieds: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?160642

It's a Type 3, 7.5A. I have no idea about the differences, but it's what you're looking for.

Dave Lehnert
02-26-2011, 8:18 PM
If I remember right. PC had to change the fence design because it interfered with the patent of the Dewalt unit. Some kind of spacer you had to use to get the fence to work right. Then Dewalt purchased PC so the fence design was no longer an issue. All this was many years ago (10?) so any new you buy today will not have the fence issue.