View Full Version : Finished Boxes

Jim Hinze
01-20-2005, 2:41 PM
The jewerly box I have been working on is complete and delivered. While I was finishing it, I put together a "keepsake" box for another co-worker. Here are the final pics:

Jewerly Box -- African Mah. box, spalted maple base + Birdseye maple top + purple heart keys. The inside has 3 levels, bottom for bracelets (dowell) and large pieces, second for rings and misc., top for earings.


Keepsake Box -- Santos mah. box, maple bottom, purpleheart top. + purple heart keys


Dick Parr
01-20-2005, 6:46 PM
Jim those are some really beautiful boxes, you did fine work. Looks like a couple of people are going to be very happy. :)

Doug Shepard
01-20-2005, 7:36 PM
Nice work. Next up on my to-do list is a jewelry box for my sister. Just curious - is that flocking or PSA lining? Haven't made up my mind yet what to use on my project. Your interior looks real good. I may want to try whatever you used.

Jim Hinze
01-21-2005, 12:46 AM
Thanks for the complements everyone!


It was the flocking. First time trying it and I was quite pleased with the results, as was the happy recipient.

Looking on the sude-tex site, they have a ton of colors available beyond what rockler and woodcraft normally carry... you could get quite creative.

Overall the process is exactly what they describe and promise.

Peter Stahl
01-21-2005, 6:59 AM

Boxes look great, very nice work. I have a question, in the picture attached how did you make rolls in the upper right hand corner? What type adhesive do you use for the flocking?

thanks, Pete

Maurice Ungaro
01-21-2005, 9:01 AM
Pretty sturdy looking - don't think they'll blow over in a storm.


Jim Hinze
01-21-2005, 9:21 AM

Boxes look great, very nice work. I have a question, in the picture attached how did you make rolls in the upper right hand corner? What type adhesive do you use for the flocking?

thanks, Pete


The for the ring rolls, I had some 1.5" medium-high density foam I use for weightlifting benches and padding. I cut a square to fit in the cube, then cut the slots with a bandsaw...

The adhesive is what the suede-tex folks recomend with their product. It's like a paint on adhesive, slightly thicker than latex paint and tinted to the color of the flocking. It requires you to seal any wood surface with shelac first, and any foam with latex paint first...

I did seal the wood w/2 coats of the Zinser brush on shelac strait out of the can, not thinned. I did not seal the foam and it seemed to work out ok, just soaked up a lot of the adhesive.

Peter Stahl
01-21-2005, 9:33 AM
Thanks for the info Jim.