View Full Version : First "hollow" form and finial

Jon Nuckles
02-23-2011, 4:10 PM
As I was reading the recent thread on inspiration, I realized how much my early efforts are influenced by what I see on this forum. I don't feel bad about that yet, because I think it is akin to art students going to the Art Institute (here in Chicago) and drawing what they see. It helps to develop my turning skills, and maybe some good design ideas will sink in by osmosis. In any case, I have always admired the hollow forms with finials posted here, particularly those by a certain moderator whose name I won't include because I don't want to invite any comparisons!

This is my first attempt at a hf with finial. The body is pretty thick walled, because I don't have any hollowing tools and I am still waiting for my monster system, but the lid hides that fact unless you open it up.;) The body is some very plain maple, the lid is some gnarly maple that I cut away when I was building my workbench, and the finial is ebony I found in the closeout bin for 29 cents! I love the way the ebony turned and polished, but I don't think I'll ever find it at that price again.

The piece is 3.5" in diameter and just over 5" high. The finish is BLO (so far). I know the finial is either too thick at the top or too narrow at the bottom. I'd like to do something to dress up the body (dye maybe?). Any other ideas or comments and criticisms are welcome.
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bob svoboda
02-23-2011, 4:34 PM
Jon, nice firsts! Not that I'm qualified to be a critic, but to my eye I would like to see the curve continued to the top rather than reversed and a bit smaller top and foot. That being said, you have every right to be proud of this effort!

Mark Hubl
02-23-2011, 4:53 PM
Keep them coming Jon. You did a nice job mimicking your form on the finial.

John Keeton
02-23-2011, 5:02 PM
Jon, you are off to a great start!! Some very good elements in this turning, and as noted, you did a good job with the replication of the form. Glad you like the ebony - not one of my favorites as it is kind of dusty. If you can get some African Blackwood, I think you will enjoy turning it even more.

There is some tweaking that could be done on the finial, and the top of the form is a bit high, but overall - great first!!

Tim Thiebaut
02-23-2011, 6:49 PM
Very nice job on this! Great finial as well!

Steve Schlumpf
02-23-2011, 6:58 PM
Jon - very nice work on your first HF with finial! While we all have opinions on what could have been - I think you did great on this and should be proud of your efforts!

Looking forward to seeing HF#2!

Michael James
02-23-2011, 7:08 PM
Nice 1st! You're 1 finial ahead of me - I think you got in the ballpark with this one. Once you put oil on it, I dont think you're going to get any dye to work - But I think this is how we learn. Keep them coming.

Donny Lawson
02-23-2011, 7:14 PM
Looks great to me. I've never done a HF or a finial so I'm still in the back of the pack. I'm in the process of one though.,HF that is. I'm not sure about a finial.

Richard Madden
02-23-2011, 7:17 PM
Very nice, and I hope this is just the first of many more to come.

Harry Robinette
02-23-2011, 8:09 PM
Nice job, NOW keep them coming!!!!

Bernie Weishapl
02-23-2011, 8:10 PM
Really nice HF and finial for your first. Can't wait to see #2.

Baxter Smith
02-23-2011, 8:10 PM
Very nice job on # 1! Seeing the parts you don't care for once you get something off the lathe is step 1. Remembering and applying those things the next time you turn is # 2(and a bit harder for me at least). Good luck on your next one!

Rich Aldrich
02-23-2011, 9:10 PM
Nice work. I like the form. The finial looks good as well.

David E Keller
02-23-2011, 9:23 PM
Looks like you're off to a fantastic start. Finial shapes and details are so subjective, but I agree with your initial thoughts on refining it. I'm afraid that may be the last 29 cent piece of ebony on Earth, and I agree with John's suggestion to give African Blackwood a try... If you find it for 29 cents, buy every piece you can get your hands on!

The little dip just above the widest portion of the form interrupts my eye when I'm looking at the piece, and I think a smooth continuous curve might appeal to me more.

As for coloring the piece, if I were to consider dying the bottom portion of the form, I would dye it pure black. That's just me though.

I'm looking forward to #2 and beyond.

Jon Nuckles
02-23-2011, 10:19 PM
Thank you for the comments. I like simpler forms when I see them, but I'm still new enough to turning that I sometimes throw in an extra curve or two just because they're fun to do. Restraint has never been my strongest suit. Maybe I should stay away from dyes, or who knows what I might do!