View Full Version : Hello, my name is Tim and i am a shopoholic

Tim Morton
01-20-2005, 11:13 AM

In the past week I have bought several things I don't need but bought anyway.

Planer base for planer ..added base for miter saw(said why not?)
delta splitter for CS..added CI wing(said why not?)
blades for jointer..added $39 dust shoot( said whay not?)
needed to cut a metal tab so bought a grinder( said why not?)

The first sign of needing help is admitting you have a problem right?

So Help me and tell me to STOP!!!

Cliff Newton
01-20-2005, 11:17 AM
Join the club. One of my first tools was a PC Biscuit Joiner because I found a great deal on it. I didn't really need it, but I was told I would end up buying it one day, so I figured "why not now?". I've only used the dang thing once in 2 years, but HEY, it's mine.

Frank Pellow
01-20-2005, 11:22 AM
Tim, those seem like very conservative purchases.

You don't need help. On the other hand, I guess I do.

In the last week I purchased: a 16" bandsaw, a cabinet table saw, a 8" jointer, a 15" planer, a 17" drill press, and a scroll saw.

Tim Morton
01-20-2005, 11:28 AM
You guys aren't helping!!!! :D

I can't wait to see all the pics Frank...your shop is awesome!!

Charlie Woods
01-20-2005, 11:44 AM
Tim: It's not a problem at all it's a form of therapy.:D I found a good deal on a 8" stacked dado set; already had one, but felt real good about the deal I got!!!!!:)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-20-2005, 12:01 PM
Tim....you obviously chose the wrong place........this isn't the woodworking version of AA.....this place holds the "drunks on the floor of the neighborhood bar!" :rolleyes: :D You won't find anyone here to "put out the fire"....instead you'll find us "fanning the flames"! :eek: :D

John M. Cioffi
01-20-2005, 12:15 PM

As soon as the no button is hit,the computer instantly turns to dust. Computers are expensive to replace. Looks more like you are just another SawMill tool junkie!!! Now, the next step as a tool junkie is to search for the tool you want,at the lowest price,so that your money will stretch to be able to buy something additional.ex;"Well, I saved all this money,plus free shipping, so now I can add the accessory to it!" SEE???
Now, there is no cure, be aware of that...So the only way to manage this toolitis, is to purchase things, every now & then.That's what creates the therapy.
Have fun,safely & enjoy.:D :D :D

Mark J Bachler
01-20-2005, 12:31 PM
I know your pain. There is no escape, just degrees of spend.

Scott Coffelt
01-20-2005, 12:41 PM
What's the problem, women have been getting away with it for years, new skirt, so I need a new blouse to go with it and shoes and them dang hose, and there's no way I would be caught in an accident not having matching panties and a bra. Oh btw I also needed some matching earrings, while I was at it the matching neckless and ring couldn't be left by their lonesome..... AND, AND, AND.... they were on ssssssaaaaallllllleeeeee.

So I say men, and women of woodworking, let's unite and if it is on sale and if I really, already have two or three, who cares.... go for it.... because, just like having thirty pairs of black shoes...... each tool has a reason, I just needed the #5LN, cause it does something different.... :D

Besides, it makes me happy and happy is good cause the little men in the white suits will take me away some day anyways, and...... I got to go out at lunch and get a fix..... I've got it bad man, BBBBBAAADDDDD!!!!!

01-20-2005, 12:52 PM
It just gets worse. When you first start, you pick projects you can build with the tools you have. Later, you pick your projects based on the tools you'll need to complete it.


Mark Rhodes
01-20-2005, 12:57 PM
Tim, Exactly what is your point ???

Scott Loven
01-20-2005, 1:04 PM
Picked these items up from an auction (http://www.vmtw.com/shop/Tools_from_shop.htm) a year ago. I got the lathe for $226 and got the two RASs for $76 each. :D I have used the lathe, but havent done much with the RASs. Just got a Jet mini the other day because the Powermatic 90s still in the garage and it is WAY to cold to work out there (-20F) Picked up a strong-hold chuck for the lathe along with a oneway grinding jig and a wheel balancer. Just placed an order at Lee valley for a $21 adapter to use the stronghold chuck on the Jet Mini. Desided to order another $260 worth of stuff to go along with it:eek:! There is also the ....... ...................

Aaron Montgomery
01-20-2005, 1:19 PM
Seems like a pretty "light" tool month to me Tim.

Now last month was painful being Christmas and all and being forced to purchase an unplanned for Leigh D4 (Thank you Rockler 25% off sale) and Excalibur blade guard (Thank you Amazon Friday sale). That being in addition to the odds and ends I'd picked up earlier. I'm really trying to be good this month as the Chicago WW show is coming up on Feb 4-6th!

Larry Browning
01-20-2005, 1:32 PM
What you NEED to realize is that you do not actually NEED any of these tools! You WANT them, and thats perfectly ok. You NEED to to get over this concept of feeling guilty about buying things that you WANT. Having the things we WANT is what makes our lives worth living. So to sum it all up you actually NEED the things you WANT to make you happy.

Don't worry, be happy :)


Doug Shepard
01-20-2005, 1:42 PM
Well this morning I online ordered 2 24" Gross Stabil P2 clamps. For no other reason than they were on a 25% off sale at Woodcraft and they make a nice compliment to the 2 40" and 2 60" I already have. I was feeling real guilty until I read this.

Mark Blumer
01-20-2005, 1:55 PM
I've slowed down my tool purchases recently for only one reason; I'm running out of space in my basement workshop to put the stuff. You know you're in deep trouble when you reach this point and start looking for wasted space to put new tools like...all that square footage my wife is wasting with the washer and dryer. Also, I'm certain that I could put a shaper in the same space that the freezer is using....

Mark Blumer (East Lansing, MI)

Tim Morton
01-20-2005, 1:57 PM
Also, I'm certain that I could put a shaper in the same space that the freezer is using....

I took the freezer out this weekend so i could have a place to put my planer on its new stand :D

John Miliunas
01-20-2005, 2:04 PM
So Tim, your "what" hurts? :confused: :eek: :D Here's where it gets sad: LOML always scours the Sunday paper classifieds. It's gotten to the point where, we'll be sitting at the dining room table and *she's* looking for deals for me in the "tools" section and I keep answering, "Nope. Got one. Nope. Mine's better. Naw that's 3-phase. etc......" She *will* find something some day and I'll make *her* happy by saying, "Hey, that's super, Dear! Gimme' the ph. # and I'll call!":D :cool:

Greg Mann
01-20-2005, 2:58 PM

WW is about as far away from AA as you can get and still be in the same alphabet. You're preaching to the choir, buddy.


William Lai
01-20-2005, 3:21 PM
That may well be the insanity that other woodworkers understand, but outside of our circle, you still need an excuse to justify it to your family or others!

For me, the justification is "Be Preapred" + "My time is valuable" + "But it's on sale". Together, these form an iron clad triangle of protection against all such inquiries. I can go in front of a Congressional Committe of Tools Justification and explain why I needed that sixth router or fourth workbench...

Mark Singer
01-20-2005, 3:46 PM
I think John M. or Terry H. or myself could really help you! Yeah ...we really set a great example.:cool:

Bob Johnson2
01-20-2005, 5:55 PM
I'm probably nmot in your league but I got a 15" jointer this week. Which sits in the storeroom at work cause I can't take it home till the snow melts...

John Shuk
01-20-2005, 6:02 PM
Mine's only 12 inches but has the same snow problem.

I'm in the shopaholic club too. A week ago I had my tail between my legs now My wife is merely SWMBD (she who must be DECEIVED). I'm always looking. Better to look at tools than other women though.

christopher webb
01-21-2005, 2:19 AM
ok guys im doing a little better these days ....im down to 2 or3 tools a week...or 1 expensive one....he he ....women they will never understand....my wife has make-up and perfume....and i have saw dust and glue on my pants, seems to be equal to me ....lol

Bill Arnold
01-21-2005, 6:40 AM
... Better to look at tools than other women though.
... costs less to look at other women ...

Jim Dunn
01-21-2005, 7:21 AM
Now if more "other women" went to Wood Craft or Rockler, Bill we'd have it made.

Glenn Clabo
01-21-2005, 7:31 AM
... costs less to look at other women ...
It depends on the what the definition of "costs" is! :eek:

Mike Wilkins
01-21-2005, 10:12 AM
Best joke heard from my wife: Don't you have enough tools already???
Could not stop laughing for 10 minutes.

Keith Christopher
01-21-2005, 11:14 AM
I usually figure out what tool I'm gonna buy with a portion of the profits from each job I do. I used to use bare minimum of tools to do the job, but man once you make a jig or get a larger bench or a new plane or..., you begin to wonder how you ever built <insert_last project_here> with that old stuff. would be different if you bought it and it NEVER got used. Although I do have some of those tools :D !


one thing though, tools unlike clothes, NEVER go out of style. ;)


Silas Smith
01-21-2005, 12:32 PM
I've gotten to the point where I have to ship everything to work so my wife doesn't know what I got. Luckily my boss has a softball addiction and told me as long as I didn't rat him out on the $400 bats he has delivered to work, that he would watch my back.

Steve Clardy
01-21-2005, 4:06 PM
I feel good when tools purchases arrive in the shop. lol
I bought 27 more clamps the other day. Was on a job site doing a staircase, bendable rails, needed more clamps, and wasn't about to drive 2 hours home and back to get some more. So I just added to my collection. I thought that was a pretty good excuse for more tools.:rolleyes:;)

Steve Clardy
01-21-2005, 4:10 PM
Tim....you obviously chose the wrong place........this isn't the woodworking version of AA.....this place holds the "drunks on the floor of the neighborhood bar!" :rolleyes: :D You won't find anyone here to "put out the fire"....instead you'll find us "fanning the flames"! :eek: :D
LOL. Good response.:eek::D:D:D:D

John Shuk
01-21-2005, 4:14 PM
I've gotten to the point where I have to ship everything to work so my wife doesn't know what I got. Luckily my boss has a softball addiction and told me as long as I didn't rat him out on the $400 bats he has delivered to work, that he would watch my back.
Isn't love grand? I've done the same thing.

John Miliunas
01-21-2005, 5:24 PM
My UPS guy typically leaves my stuff outside my shop door (seperate building) and LOML wouldn't even know I got something else, if I didn't tell her!:D YES, I do tell her....Not necessarily how much $$$ it cost, but I do tell her!:) :cool:

Carole Valentine
01-21-2005, 10:44 PM
Geeze, Frank! Didn't you already HAVE a shop????:D

Tim, those seem like very conservative purchases.

You don't need help. On the other hand, I guess I do.

In the last week I purchased: a 16" bandsaw, a cabinet table saw, a 8" jointer, a 15" planer, a 17" drill press, and a scroll saw.

Jim Dunn
01-21-2005, 10:48 PM

Frank is building two shops so the grand kids have some place to play and paint :0

John Strait
01-22-2005, 7:43 AM

Just remember that those tools will still be worth something long after that computer is worthless. That is what I always tell myself and I am usually good for a couple of more purchases. :D