View Full Version : Dust collection fittings with spiral pipe

kenneth fleming
02-20-2011, 6:50 PM
Has anyone experienced dust collection issues with the following :

Laterals and wyes that have duct seal used on the inside of the fitting to seal up where the 45 comes into the straight pipe...
Also, connecting spiral pipe to fittings in which all fittings are male ended (but not crimped) and of course the pipe being female.....In this case there is some small gaps around the joint that could cause incoming chips and more so "slivers" to get caught into these small gaps and possibly start to become a "catch all" area for incoming chips and slivers..
My thinking is that these small gaps will soon fill up with sawdust and chips and probably not become much of a catch all for anything....
Agree, disagree ?

I am getting ready to start up an Onieda V3000 using 6 inch spiral duct and did not purchase the duct from Onieda. Had the laterals and wyes made up locally in 22 guage..I used 1/2 screws and foil tape...

My runs are short so not too concerned if I lose a little to additional static pressure...just don't want to be cleaning joints after 2 weeks of use..

Any feedback is appreciated..


Chris Fournier
02-21-2011, 10:37 AM
If you buy the static pressure guage you can keep an eye on this condition.

I used short pop rivets to assemble my spiral duct based sytem, the don't have much of a profile in the chip stream.

Honestly, I think that the little cracks and gaps get filled after a bit of time and once they are packed its all over. If the ducting is laid out reasonably well I find it impossible to believe that wood chips are doing anything but flying on their way to the cyclone with an occasional slow down here and there.

Steve Ryan
02-21-2011, 5:43 PM
All of my spiral pipe is put together with Ys and 90 fittings that slip into the pipe, including the end to end connectors. No problems.