View Full Version : Rainbow HF First of the year!

Richard Kennedy UK
02-16-2011, 5:07 AM
Finally after breaking my foot at the back end of last year I have managed to produce something! Its a great feeling to get back to the studio and come away with something In my hand! Sadly today my foot has reacted angrily to being used and is currently like a balloon again ho hum I will have to go slow!

C&C welcomed I haven't done too much colouring before but having seen Nick Agar demo last week I though I would have a play!


Scott Hubl
02-16-2011, 5:13 AM
NICE, I like that coloring alot.

Can you tell me how you did it?

Nice form as well. and take care of the foot.

Steve Schlumpf
02-16-2011, 7:31 AM
First off - excellent form! Looking forward to reading your method of adding color! Very nice effect!

Hope your foot heals soon and you can get back to turning! I sure would like to see some more of your work!

bob svoboda
02-16-2011, 10:00 AM
Really nice form! Sorry you are having foot problems.

Bernie Weishapl
02-16-2011, 11:22 AM
I like the form and color. Hope that foot heals quickly.

Brian Effinger
02-16-2011, 11:42 AM
Nice form, and I really love the subtle coloring. Hope the foot feels better soon so you can get back to the lathe. Until then, take it easy. :)

Jonathan Spool
02-16-2011, 12:43 PM
Beautiful! Great form line that coincides extremely well with the grain pattern. Good job with the colring as well.
Is that a piece of oak or ash?

Jon McElwain
02-16-2011, 12:55 PM
When I opened the thread I was half expecting a rainbow of vivid colors. I was pleasantly surprised to see the subtle coloration in this piece - might have even missed it if I had not been looking for that rainbow! Great looking form and the subtle rainbow really draws you in for a closer look. I especially like the rainbow coloration being parallel to the grain - great orientation and use of the wood's natural features to make the most of the color transitions.

You'll have to add a Oneway 1224 SD (sit down) lathe to your arsenal to keep off that foot! Hope it heals quickly.

Roland Martin
02-16-2011, 1:27 PM
Very nice form, Richard. As others have noted, the grain orientation and subtle coloring are very pleasing. Now that you've got a bit of turning in and fed the craving, sit back and take care of your foot:) Best wishes.

Richard Kennedy UK
02-16-2011, 7:58 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I had to sit a bit yesterday but today I was hard at it again! I can post the results at some later date! Thanks again for taking time to visit and post!


Cathy Schaewe
02-16-2011, 8:31 PM
I also really like the subtlety of the coloring. Understated and classy!

Richard Kennedy UK
02-17-2011, 6:43 AM
Hi Scott Sorry about that! OK this is how I did it but its new to me so if anyone spots something I did that was not needed or can be done better please chip in!

After you create the shape you want make sure it is sanded really well any tooling marks will show. I started with black on un sealed wood (no idea if sealing would work better) I coloured the whole piece black then when dry sanded it back lathe off cutting back to wood more in places than others then I add the next darkest colour navy blue and repeat the sanding cutting back more in different places again then purple and sand light blue and sand finally yellow. at each stage if I didn't like the look of it I can sand back again and re touch an area. if you work quite quickly (in an impatient way like I do most things) the colours haven't fully dried and the stain blends with the previous one. finally I spray cellulose sanding sealer over the lot and when its dry buff with the beal! Job done!

Scott Hubl
02-17-2011, 9:28 AM
Thanks Richard,

That sorta sounds like what Cindy Drozda does in her Finial Star DVD. She credit Jimmy Clewes and someone else I forget now.

I have had the dyes for some time now, was chicken to try them out since I really had NO clue how to use them, up until I bought some Jimmy Clewes DVD's and added Cindy Drozdas Final Start DVD to my collection.

Yours turned out very well I like the subtle coloration, but yet can see the different colors, must look even better in person.

I am just finishing up a tool rack project and hopefully will try out this dye method soon.

I bought a case of small 4oz. mason jars and mixed all my colors up last week so they are ready made and ready to go.

Thanks again for the reply Richard.