View Full Version : Pucker Factor Lid - Option 1

Kathy Marshall
02-16-2011, 12:36 AM
Turned a lid tonight. I cut out a void, roughed up and burned the edge and the lid and pedestal both have just a coat of Dark Walnut DO. Haven't done a finial yet, waiting to decide if I like this lid, which I think I do.
Didn't get a good shot of the pedestal, but for a finial I think I'll just do a smaller version of the pedestal, maybe about 3" or so (the pedestal is about 4" or so).

So what do you all think of this lid? Should I try a solid lid or just a collar tomorrow, or just finish this one up?

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Roger Chandler
02-16-2011, 7:53 AM
Hi Kathy,

What you have done here is very interesting..............a real challenge I am sure. Your artistic qualities are showing through by your creativity. For a lid, the void idea is a very good one. I would prefer a lid that has some sort of shape that is reverse of the form itself, perhaps a bit of a dome mimicking the form in shape only a good bit smaller. Putting a void in that would be a bit more of a challenge, but I think you would have something that had a natural flow with the form already turned and IMO would make for a piece that would be even more outstanding.

I hope that makes sense and is not clear as mud! You do nice work Kathy!

Steve Vaughan
02-16-2011, 8:19 AM
Kathy, I like your lid, makes it unusual and unique, and creative. I looked at the pictures before I read your whole post and was thinking that would look really cool with a finial...then I read the entire post. Must be that great minds thinking alike sort of thing going on! Really neat piece there.

Richard Madden
02-16-2011, 10:03 AM
I am the last person qualified to give advice on form and design, so take this for what it's worth. It's hard to tell for sure from the pictures, but it looks like a slightly more dome shape might look better, and again, I say might...but I would go ahead with your plan with a finial on this. I do like the way you created the void. Not only looks good, it looks real.

Bernie Weishapl
02-16-2011, 11:18 AM
Really nice piece Kathy. I do like the lid although like Richard maybe a little more dome shaped. Can't wait to see it with the finial. Nicely done.

Paul Williams
02-16-2011, 5:53 PM
I like the lid. The void is great. I think I agree with the others who have suggested a little more dome shaped which I take to mean height. Perhaps the finial will add that dimension.

Michael James
02-16-2011, 8:19 PM
Well, my .o2 here is really worth about .oo on this one. If it must have a lid and a finial, the void chosen looks great. Not sure, but a convex shape might improve what is already one of a kind - your call. I think you could scrollsaw (coping saw, whatever you have) a chunk out of "regular" piece and then have your way with the torch and whatever to get the vibe you want there.
Looking forward to seeing the finished piece! Good luck.

David E Keller
02-16-2011, 8:22 PM
That's cool, Kathy... Your execution of the 'void' is much better than I could have done, and I think it really adds something to the piece. It's hard to comment on the lid shape without seeing a true profile shot, but I really think the overall look is pretty cool. If I could make voids that appeared that natural, I wouldn't spend so much time trying to find pieces that already had them. Kudos.

Cathy Schaewe
02-16-2011, 8:28 PM
I agree with the comments about making it more domed - but you did a heck of a job creating that void. (Not to mention doing the piece itself - serious pucker!)

Thom Sturgill
02-16-2011, 8:39 PM
When I saw the original, I thought - boy that would really need a matching void in the lid - I could not have created one any where near as good as you did - probably would not have tried to 'fake it' but you did a great job!.

Curt Fuller
02-16-2011, 10:53 PM
Sometimes I tend to look at the pictures and not read the words. So when I saw the matching void I thought "Wow, how cool is that to have it match up so well". But it's even better reading that you 'created' the void. That's going to look really good with a finial in it.

Kathy Marshall
02-17-2011, 1:16 AM
Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone!
I turned another lid tonight with a little more of a dome to it and a similar looking void. I also did a finial (which I might have made just a little too tall, we'll see how it looks when it's all put together). Didn't take any pics but I'll take some tomorrow after I've put another coat of WOP on.

Making the void was actually pretty easy, although it would have been even easier if I'd taken the time to set up the scroll saw.
I used a little dovetail saw to saw out of very rough shape for the void, then I took it to the drill press and used a cutter head thingy (have no idea what it's called but its about 1" long and maybe 3/8-1/2" diameter and it's covered with little cup shaped teeth) to refine the shape and undercut the edge. Then back to the dovetail saw to rough it up a bit and give a little more texture, then used a sharpie to darken the nooks and crannies, then used my burning pen to burn the edge, burn out any kerf marks and add a bit more texture.