View Full Version : Best Wood Tools - Rests

Rich Aldrich
02-13-2011, 8:40 PM
Has anyone tried the rests by Best Wood Tools? One of my next purchases is going to be decent tool rests, so I am investigating the different options and brands.

I searched the forum but came up with no results for Best Wood Tools.

Roger Chandler
02-13-2011, 8:54 PM

Best Woods tools was at our symposium last October, and had all their products on display. I can tell you that they are quality made. The tool rests are of round stainless steel bar stock, and they have curved straight, inside/outside and a lot of other well machined products. I have not needed one, but should I have need of one in the future, they will get my business.

I have not looked at their catalog in months, so I do not remember if they have the robust style rests, but they might..........you can check their web site. Their prices are as good as any one I have seen for quality made products.

Alan Trout
02-13-2011, 8:55 PM
They are fine. They are pretty much like any other T-bar rest. I still prefer the Robust tool rest.


Rich Aldrich
02-13-2011, 9:00 PM
Roger - thanks for the information. They have curved bowl rests without a "hub" sticking up on top of the tool rest. I find the Woodcraft flat bar style has a hub can get in the way when the tool is at the bottom of the bowl. It also vibrates which is annoying and makes it hard to get a good surface finish.

I am almost to the point of finish work on the cabinet that I have been making, then it is back to the lathe. I don't think I will undertake another cabinet job for a while. The lathe is so much fun and faster to turn out a product.

philip labre
02-13-2011, 9:30 PM
I have a couple of the Robust rests Rich. I could take a ride someday if you want to check them out.

Steve Schlumpf
02-13-2011, 9:52 PM
Rich - there are all kinds of rests out there but if you are interested in round bar - then check out Monster: http://monster-lathe-tools.com/cart.php?target=category&category_id=66

You may not remember but when you turned on my lathe - you were using the 12" Super Bar Tool Rest. Stop in if you would like to check it out again. I also have the inside bowl tool rest from Randy and highly recommend his products!

Rich Aldrich
02-13-2011, 10:47 PM

I remember your rest and have checked out the Monster rests. I dont see where they have a round bar rest that is curved for bowls. Maybe I need to contact him, because they aren't on his website.

The issue I have with the Woodcraft flat bar curved rest for bowls is that it vibrates. I don't think it is stiffness enough and tends to resonate.

Steve Schlumpf
02-14-2011, 12:02 AM
Rich - best thing to do is give Randy a call. Here is a very old thread that shows my rest. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?68844-New-Tool-Rests-%28Gloat%29

I have used it many times and it has never vibrated! Seriously - rock solid!

Bernie Weishapl
02-14-2011, 10:46 AM
Rich I really love my Robust rests. I have a Best Tool rest but it doesn't compare with my robust rests.

Kyle Iwamoto
02-14-2011, 10:54 AM
A while ago, I was looking for a better rest. Lots of people here reccommended the Robust. It's a really good rest. I have no experience with the rest you mentioned, but I can say the Robust is a really good rest. You can get them from many on line catalogs.

Reed Gray
02-14-2011, 12:49 PM
I never liked the round bar tool rests, just didn't feel right. Love the Robust rests, and have a number of them.

robo hippy

Rich Aldrich
02-14-2011, 8:35 PM
Thanks for the information. I'll have to check out the Robust rests also.

Rich Aldrich
02-14-2011, 8:36 PM
Philip - Anytime you want to take a ride, let me know. I appreciate the help.