View Full Version : HELP - Spalted Something ????

David Fried
01-17-2005, 5:42 PM
This time I found a whole spalted tree, cut up, at the dump. :D I grabbed a dozen logs, which are still in the back of the car. Tuesday, when the dump is open again, I'll go back get some more.

I cut one piece up to see what it looked like. The first photo shows a piece 1.5 x 1.5 x 17 inches with a smaller pen blank sized piece on top. I wet the dark area to see what it looked like.

The second photo shows the pen I turned from it and a different side of the larger piece. I planed down the rough surface left by my bandsaw to get a better look. I measured and weighed the piece and it seems to work out to about 41 lbs/ft-cubed. This puts it in the heavy weight catagory with oak, cherry, etc. Comparing it to the samples in a book I borrowed from the library it seems to have many the characteristics of Cherry but I'm not sure.

Any thoughts? :confused:

Steve Jenkins
01-17-2005, 5:45 PM
My only thought is that in the guise of asking what kind of wood it might be you are simply posting a SUPER GLOAT. :>) Good find.

David Fried
01-17-2005, 5:54 PM
My only thought is that in the guise of asking what kind of wood it might be you are simply posting a SUPER GLOAT. :>) Good find.

Maybe a little - I am very pleased - but it looks like this was cut for firewood so there are no bowl sized pieces. Still, as you say, a good find. I really am curious what it is. I think some pieces may still some bark on them which I hope will help ID it.

Bart Leetch
01-17-2005, 6:02 PM
There are all kinds of bowl sized pieces there you just have to pick them out & add glue. :)

Andy London
01-17-2005, 8:40 PM
More than likely it's a local wood, if I were to make a guess I'd say Yellow/Cherry/Black Birch, it spalts very fast and looks like your image however I am not sure what trees you may have locally.


Bruce Shiverdecker
01-17-2005, 8:45 PM
Could be Spalted Maple. Looks a lot like some I have.


Jim Ketron
01-17-2005, 9:42 PM
Going by the tight grain it looks like Maple to me

Anthony Yakonick
01-17-2005, 10:20 PM
Tree wood! :D

John Shuk
01-17-2005, 11:00 PM
Looks like Norway maple I think. Birch is possible too. Very white wood makes me think it is one or the other. I lean toward maple.

John Miliunas
01-17-2005, 11:35 PM
Well, to my "trained" eye, I'd say it's a "Free Tree"! Best species around.:D (It really does look like Spalted Maple, though.):) :cool:

Bruce Shiverdecker
01-18-2005, 12:01 AM
John ----------You AMAZE ME--------------TOTALLY RIGHT------------- IT IIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS ------------FREE WOOD :p :p :p :p


Bruce ;)