View Full Version : Shop tour: "phenominal"

Rick Moyer
02-12-2011, 1:23 PM
I was searching for shop tour videos to look at and stumbled upon these two of this man's shop. I don't suggest you watch them if you're inclined to be envious. Do watch if you are a Laguna fan!



Kevin Gregoire
02-12-2011, 1:38 PM
yeah, i have seen his shop videos before and it does make you jealous thats for sure!

here is a link to a site with tons of peoples shops, very interesting but pictures only

Bruce Page
02-12-2011, 2:00 PM
Nice but he needs a few more cordless drills. :eek:

Ray Newman
02-12-2011, 2:29 PM
Definitely one very well thought out, designed, and laid out shop. ‘Musta’ set him back a few dollars and good of amount of time and effort.

Very interesting idea about the two miter and chop saw arrangement --one pulls out and is above the other. Plus he said that DC was 95% +!

Seems to be a very nice guy and he does not appear impressed with himself.

Sean Nagle
02-12-2011, 3:30 PM
This is definitely a very "high-end" shop. However, what I find of particular interest is how he uses the space. 700 or so sq ft is a lot, but he has a whole lot packed into it. His space usage and storage efficiency ideas are applicable to any one's shop.

Van Huskey
02-12-2011, 4:26 PM
I have seen those before linked from the Laguna site. He really does have a lot packed into a small area and all of it seems thoughtfully designed.

Dale Probst
02-12-2011, 7:57 PM
Yep, the part about only sleeping 5 hours a night rings true.
Nice work,

Jonathan Spool
02-12-2011, 11:18 PM
I'll probably only get 5 hrs sleep tonight wondering what he does with 16 different deadblow hammers!

Rick Moyer
02-13-2011, 12:05 AM
I'll probably only get 5 hrs sleep tonight wondering what he does with 16 different deadblow hammers!

Ha! I saw that too and thought how many hammers do you really need? He seems to have enough of everything.

David Hostetler
02-13-2011, 1:33 AM
I've seen this guy before. I must admit, he makes me laugh. I think his shop was featured in a Wood Magazine special publication a few years ago....

Bill Edwards(2)
02-13-2011, 1:33 PM
Don't get me wrong, it's great shop.

But my sound is out for some reason, so I watched it without sound.

I saw a guy showing a triangular box (that I assume he made)

and the shop he used to build it in (presumably)

I can't stop giggling.:o