View Full Version : Climbing back out of the Vortex

Rob Holcomb
02-12-2011, 9:49 AM
After spending nearly every day for more than a month at the lathe getting Holiday gifts ready, I decided to take a break from the shop. I spent the entire month of January working, shoveling snow, going out to dinner with my wife, watching TV, and just relaxing. Now it's mid February and the desire to get back out to the shop is there but I'm finding myself thinking about making Curio Cabinets, Entertainment Centers, Tables, Hutches and any and all other flat work pieces. I find myself looking at Drum Sanders, a new Spiral Cutter head for my Planer and Jointer and a Festool Domino. Have I climbed out of the Vortex?

Lee Koepke
02-12-2011, 10:01 AM
sounds more like a little ledge on that slope .... its the place where if you have flatwork tendencies you sit for awhile and catch your breath. I have a special request project that really is just flat, that I have spent a month trying to mix in some round .. not gonna work.

I need to get back to some flatwork, I have a craft show coming up in May and need some 'lathe fundraisers' to put on the table!!!

Roger Chandler
02-12-2011, 10:23 AM
Balance grasshopper, balance! We need both! Uh oh! I may have just committed the unpardonable!!! :eek::eek::D;)

Steve Schlumpf
02-12-2011, 10:23 AM
Rob - just sounds like you are experiencing a little burnout from all the holiday turning you did! If you have other woodworking to take care of - fine. The turning bug will hit again before long and you'll jump back in with renewed enthusiasm!

Don Alexander
02-12-2011, 11:51 AM
i feel your "pain" the problem i'm having is that in my small shop flatwork requires every bit of space so there is no way to do some of both its pretty much a total reconfiguration (read "morph") to go from turning to flatwork and back again these days i find my motivation to do flatwork is sadly lacking :eek:

Rob Holcomb
02-12-2011, 1:55 PM
Well I hope it's just burnout. I love working on the lathe but then again, I love doing flat work too. I wonder if it's possible to really be enthusiastic about both aspects of woodworking at the same time or if it's a one or the other proposition

Paul Douglass
02-12-2011, 3:03 PM
I feel there is nothing wrong. I enjoy both and work on one for a while and then switch. Currently I am re-finishing a rocking chair for my daughter and her baby to arrive in May. It is the chair we rocked her in. I enjoy build building musical instruments even though I can't play, and I want to make a jewelry box for my granddaughter. But I love the lathe and will never leave it.

Jon Nuckles
02-12-2011, 4:43 PM
I am rapidly sliding into the vortex, but I still have the urge to do flatwork: racks to hold my lathe tools, a steady rest for my lathe, etc. ;)

Fred Perreault
02-12-2011, 6:28 PM
Rob..... "absence makes the heart grow fonder"

James Combs
02-12-2011, 8:35 PM
I usually am working on both. I will work on something flat while a vessel with new finish is drying on the lathe or soaking in alcohol. I even through in a little metal work as well. All the following items were "mixed". I don't recall the exact sequence but...

While working on this hollow form

I also made a computer stand

a CD player stand

a corner shelf for some microphone receivers

all for my churches sound room.

I think there was even a pen or two in there someplace also.

Needless to say I prefer variety in my wood working.

Oh yes and I did say some metal work too.

Bernie Weishapl
02-12-2011, 10:05 PM
Rob I wouldn't worry about it. I had the same thing kinda happen so I worked on clocks for a while. It will come back. Just do what makes ya happy.