View Full Version : Beading tool - followup!

John Keeton
02-12-2011, 9:12 AM
Since Jim Adkins joined us on the creek, and has posted some of his basket work, there appears to be some interest in this type of work. Jim uses the D-Way beading tools, and back in December I posted this thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?153824-A-little-beading-tool-gloat!!)where I had purchased the beading tools on Jim's recommendation. I have used them on a couple of SW turnings. However, I was really in the dark on the use and sharpening of these tools, and some creekers had asked about that.

Dave Schweitzer has posted a couple of videos (http://www.d-waytools.com/tools-beadiing.html) on his site that illustrate the use of the beading tools, as well as a "diamond" tool he makes. He talks a little about sharpening of the tools, as well.

Thought you might find the videos interesting - even if you use another type of beading tool as he shows some neat applications.

I have no affiliation with Dave, other than having purchased his tools on the recommendation of Jim Adkins. I can say the quality is superb.

Paul Douglass
02-12-2011, 9:59 AM
John, thanks for posting this info. I have been thinking of beading tools lately. Those sure are nice looking ones. I'd better save up some money.

Alan Zenreich
02-12-2011, 11:00 AM
In his videos, Dave shows a triangular shaped tool (he refers to it as diamond shaped). I don't see it on his web site... maye I'm just looking past it.
Anyone use this pointy tool?

David E Keller
02-12-2011, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the links, John. The tools look fairly easy to use and sharpen. I'll probably pick a couple of these up at some point when I get the urge to do a little beading.

Bernie Weishapl
02-12-2011, 11:35 AM
Thanks for sharing John. I have been looking at beading tools.

Richard Madden
02-12-2011, 12:26 PM
Your psychic abilities ar sharp Mr. Keeton. Earlier this morning I was looking for your previous post about the beading tools (couldn't remember the name of them). Found your post, looked at D-Ways website and videos, and now I'm reading this post...very strange...

Steve Mawson
02-12-2011, 7:38 PM
What's the deal, here I am doing great not buying anything since before Christmas. NOW I see this and watch the video and now I need some of these tools. My wife will not forgive you soon John.;);)

Baxter Smith
02-12-2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks for the links John. Interesting!

Jim Burr
02-12-2011, 10:27 PM
I have the 3/16" and 1/8" tools. The move is done...just have to set up the shop and that will be one of the first things I mess with.

Alan Zenreich
02-12-2011, 10:53 PM
So, does the diamond point tool he used in the video remain a mystery? Anyone have experience with it? Is it in production?

John Keeton
02-13-2011, 7:21 AM
I looked over the website and did not find a reference to the diamond tool, or teardrop tool, as he sometimes calls it. I have emailed Dave from the website to see it he can provide info.

Steve Mawson
02-13-2011, 1:13 PM
Emailed Dave yesterday on the diamond tool. It is available, just have not got it on the website yet. Should be there is a few days.

John Keeton
02-13-2011, 1:38 PM
Steve, I got a reply from him, and it is up there now. This is the link to the revised page. http://d-waytools.com/tools-beadiing.html

Faust M. Ruggiero
02-13-2011, 2:12 PM
Did you ever think about how powerful this forum is as an advertising tool for the vendors we favor. I remember reading posts about member's experiences with certain tools or attachments and running out to buy one. I can tell you from my own personal view, SMC is by far my most trusted source for what's out there that works well. In this case, I probably won't call Dave for a beading tool until I'm looking at a plain looking piece and thinking about how nice it would to embellish it with a couple beads. Save one for me Dave.

Russ Denz
02-13-2011, 2:17 PM
Just went to Dave's site and "IT" is there, at least on his price listing (at $40) - called "Diamond Tool - aka Tear Drop Tool"

...and the vortex is blowing again.


Alan Zenreich
02-13-2011, 2:19 PM
Thanks for following up on the tool, it's listed now.

Steve Mawson
02-13-2011, 4:55 PM
Ordered mine a couple of hours ago, 2 beading tools and the diamond. Dave sure seems like a very nice person. It's all JK's fault!!:D;);)

Jim Burr
02-13-2011, 5:15 PM
You are absolutly correct Faust! It works both ways though. Bad service, bad part, etc. I had need of a replacement chuck key for my Barracuda and had to call PSI. We've all heard bad press about them. I had a replacement in 3 days. Now they're on my happy-to-use list. The advantage is that a lot of these guys are small niche vendors as in a manner of speaking, are we. I'm always happy to support the little guy if it's a product I can use and the service is good.

Ryan Baker
02-17-2011, 11:40 PM
John, Thanks for pointing out the videos. I actually bought some of the beading tools months ago but haven't gotten around to using them yet. Haven't done any turning in quite a while either. I don't seem to have any free time lately.

Alan Zenreich
02-19-2011, 5:43 PM

Here's a followup to your followup/

I just finished making some 4" aluminum handles for the three D-Way tools that came in this week.

I also thought it might be nice to compare them with some other beading tools... from Sorby and NanoTools

First photo shows the D-Way diamond/teardrop tool, 3/16" and 1/4"

Next up are Nano Revolution 1/16", 1/8" beaders, the three D-Way tools, and a Sorby 3/8" beader.

It's interesting how these tools differ. The D-Way are M42 steel. The Nano are 10% Cobalt steel. They both arrive sharp... the Nano very very sharp.

The D-way has the bead profile running down the long edge of the round steel bar. This wasn't practical for the very small Nano tools, so they run at an angle across the width of the square steel bit. So in use, the D-Way are presented to the material slightly above center with the handle angled down. The Nano tools are presented below center with the handles angled up (as with the Sorby).

These presentations make for a shearing cut instead of a scrape.

They're all nice tools. And I look forward to playing more with them.

John Keeton
02-19-2011, 7:29 PM
Alan, nice comparative lineup!! Thanks for posting the pics and review. Hope to hear more about which you like best as time goes on.