View Full Version : Have you ever......

Dick Wilson
02-11-2011, 8:13 PM
had one of those weeks that you do not have much to show for your effort. It is Friday evening and I will be darn, but it doesn't seem like I have accomplished a dad gum thing in my shop ALL week. Would someone tell me what the heck I have been doing all week:confused::confused::confused:

Kieran Kammerer
02-11-2011, 8:15 PM
Practising for next week

Greg Just
02-11-2011, 8:20 PM
A bad week in the shop beats a good week at work, or something like that!

David E Keller
02-11-2011, 8:23 PM
I haven't been in my shop all week! I'd rather be out there not getting anything done that not be there at all...

Roger Chandler
02-11-2011, 9:14 PM
The only thing I have managed to do in my shop is get my Monster rig set up, and last night, after 9:30 pm I was out there changing the bandsaw blade on my Jet 18" saw. I had a 1-1/4" blade on it, and I got a 1/2" blade for it, to make it easier to cut blanks out of logs..........I cut one blank from a black walnut log, and man was it sweet! I was hoping to get to a turning today, but just too many demands on my time..............that is alright, because next week it is supposed to warm a good bit, and if all goes well, that Monster Articulated Rig is going to get a workout!

I did purchase some Zinzer Seal Coat [100% dewaxed shellac] today, so I can "pop" the grain before I finish it off with WOP, once it is turned [learned that one from Charles Neil, and I have some Abralon pads from 80 grit to 4000 grit on the way...again Charles Neil suggestion] Oh boy, I can't hardly wait........I hope my concept works well......black walnut HF, with clear Ash pedestal and finial with a black walnut replication on the finial. I am hoping I can pull this one off........prayers would be appreciated!:D

Bernie Weishapl
02-11-2011, 9:33 PM
Dick didn't get much done here either. Of course when it was snowing Monday and Tuesday with a wind chill of -48 I didn't even leave the house. Just worked on my business books getting ready for taxes. Wednesday went out and cleared the drifts in front and back. Yesterday I finished a couple of woodburning projects then today put the finish on. Of course that was after we got back from coffee with some friends. Yep didn't accomplish much either.

Dick Wilson
02-11-2011, 10:29 PM
I have knocked on wood for ya

David Warkentin
02-11-2011, 10:54 PM
I got a lot done this week, only it wasn't in the shop....

Matt Hutchinson
02-13-2011, 8:08 AM
Hey Dick!

I had the same problem this week. It must be something in the water around here. :D
