View Full Version : Plywood Door Panels - Can they fit rather tightly?

Glen Blanchard
02-11-2011, 7:30 AM
Regarding cabinet doors panels in a frame. I would assume that (1/2") plywood panels need virtually no room for expansion. No need to leave a gap or use something like space balls. Correct?

glenn bradley
02-11-2011, 8:54 AM
I have glued 1/4" ply panels in MDF frames around all four sides. No issues after 6 years. It was dumb luck, I'd never made a frame and panel door before ;-) Had the panel been hardwood I would have had a problem and learned a lesson I imagine ;-).

Fred Belknap
02-11-2011, 9:20 AM
I glued 1/4" panels with cope and stick joints in my shop cabinets. It's been about three years and no problem. Makes a strong door.

Steve Jenkins
02-11-2011, 10:01 AM
Glen, you are correct. doesn't matter if the rails and stiles are solid wood or mdf. You can glue in the panels or not, your choice.