View Full Version : More problems, Now with the Raised Panels

Jack Diemer
01-16-2005, 7:03 PM
I glued up a couple pieces of poplar to make raised panels.

I routed in the raised panels and ended up with these weird voids on the raised panel where the two pieces of poplar were glued up. The voids were on both the top and the bottom of both panels I cut. Two of the voids are in a triangular shape, and the other two look like a dovetail shape.

I can not for the life of me figure out what causes this.

Jim Schmoll
01-16-2005, 7:06 PM
Sure looks like a biscuit to me. Been there done that..

Jim from Idyllwild CA :(

Jack Diemer
01-16-2005, 7:09 PM
:o Duh, now I feel stupid. Feel free to pile on, I am having one of those days.

Kelly C. Hanna
01-16-2005, 7:10 PM

I have never seen anything like that, but will be folloring the thread to see what the cause turns out to be. But the panels look very nice otherwise!!

Doug Shepard
01-16-2005, 7:10 PM
By any chance did you use biscuits when gluing up the boards? Are those possibly biscuit slot voids? It's just real odd that its happening only at the glue up joint.

Jack Diemer
01-16-2005, 7:15 PM
Let this me a lesson to the rest of you. Keep your biscuits away from the ends when doing raised panels.

The sad thing is that now that I look at it, you can tell clear as a bell that the bottom panel pictured above has a biscuit sticking out of it. Its been a couple days since I did the glue up and completely forgot those biscuits were in there.

Kelly C. Hanna
01-16-2005, 7:17 PM
You're right...I thought is was strange looking but had no clue. I have yet to use biscuits...looks like fun!

Doug Shepard
01-16-2005, 7:22 PM
Dont feel bad. I dont know anyone who hasn't been bitten by this particular bug. Console yourself that it's probably a one time only mistake. Every time you biscuit from now on, this will haunt you and you'll spend lots of time planning you slot layout to avoid this.

Jerry Clark
01-16-2005, 7:22 PM
"Been There Done That" :mad: Nice looking raised panels, even with the voids.:)

Erin Stringer
01-16-2005, 7:23 PM
I was making an oval tabletop and used biscuits for the glue-up. Three days pass and I'm ready to cut the oval. I say to myself "now this panel is plenty big for the oval you want to cut. Why not slide your pattern to one end and have some good size scraps left?" When I cut the biscuit I remembered why that wasn't a good idea...

Lamar Horton
01-16-2005, 7:24 PM
I did the same thing using dowels. It took me a long time to figure out what was going on and when I did, man did I feel stupid.


Steve Clardy
01-16-2005, 7:38 PM
So Jack. Why are you using biscuits on door panels????

Christopher Pine
01-16-2005, 7:41 PM
You could allwasy do like the shakers and put the panel flat side out.. Vanity you know... Sorry for your error!

Doug Shepard
01-16-2005, 9:25 PM
Hey Jack
Just curious. What are you going to do now? Scrap them? Patch them? Use them as-is? Are there any other areas on the project where you could cut these smaller and use them (assuming you know where the rest of the biscuits are and can work around them)?

Terry Hatfield
01-16-2005, 9:36 PM
:o Duh, now I feel stupid. Feel free to pile on, I am having one of those days.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Good one Jack.

Can't wait to see you in person. I'll wait 'til then to pile on. :D


Jim O'Dell
01-16-2005, 9:51 PM
Sounds like something I would do!! Now let's see if I remember this when I start gluing up panels.....Jim.

Scott Coffelt
01-16-2005, 10:43 PM
Jack, Jack, Jack... I would love to say that I have never experienced this, but I can't. My only saving grace was i never posted why it was there...... You made my day.

Jerry Olexa
01-16-2005, 11:10 PM
This has happened to me. It is your biscuits showing. You have to plan ahead when doing your biscuit placement prior to glue up. Once you do it, you'll never do it again. You are not alone...

Fred LeBail
01-16-2005, 11:27 PM
Did the same thing with dowels. That is the last time I used anything but glue on my panel glue-ups.


Norman Hitt
01-17-2005, 1:23 AM
:o Duh, now I feel stupid. Feel free to pile on, I am having one of those days.

Hey Jack, I see from the location of the "Points of Interest" you built into your panels, it looks like you also forgot which side was going to be the face, (since it looks like the biscuit slot on one panel was referenced to the face side, and the other panel's biscuits were referenced to the back side. (See How observant and Smart I am as a Monday Morning Quarterback???)

Seriously, sorry about your fopah, but no worries, just note it in the lessons learned book, and press on to new Heights. (Heck, my lessons learned books would make a small library)

"Them Lessons you Larned, Ain't worth a $&!^ If'n you Ferget 'Em"----Maurice Smith (1934-2002)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-17-2005, 9:11 AM
Jack...been there...done that....bought the t-shirt....paid dearly! :( :D If this is a piece for yourself........put those ends of the panel down to minimize their exposure and finish them and display them proudly! We all have to learn the hard way sometimes! :o :D

Ted Shrader
01-17-2005, 11:02 AM
Jack -

No sweat I've cut into a biscuit before, too. Chalk it up to practice. The biscuits aren't really needed for strength in a panel, but sure help in alignment. Leave out in your next set.


Dave Moran
01-17-2005, 12:26 PM
Actually thanks for the heads up, having not done raised panel doors yet, I am sure I would have discovered this 'feature' as well. I picked up a set of CMT door bits to give them a shot on some shop cabinet doors.

Lars Thomas
01-17-2005, 1:19 PM
Jack, Not to worry, I've done the same thing too. After that experience, I now mark the edge of the stock where all the biscuits are - just in case. Lars