View Full Version : You guys are a horrible influence

Cathy Schaewe
02-10-2011, 10:35 AM
I just gave in and ordered a monster (articulating) system. :eek::D
Now I just have to wait patiently for it to arrive - probably right when I want to start planting my garden!

Steve Schlumpf
02-10-2011, 10:39 AM
Congrats on ordering your new system! You are going to love it! Your garden can wait!

Roger Chandler
02-10-2011, 10:48 AM
Okay Cathy..................you found us out! We are behind the VORTEX..........we give it the spin............we are behind the sucking sound that pulls all your money out of your purse and wallet. It is a secret conspiracy, so that we will not feel all alone in the dizzying maze of trying to up our turning game.

What I want to know is..........when do you cross the goal line in this game? It seems to just go on and on and on and.........................................:eek:: rolleyes::D

I guess we are a bad influence! Sorry.........:o:p

bob svoboda
02-10-2011, 10:53 AM
Congrats, Kathy. Be sure to post pic's when you get it set up--the garden can wait!

David DeCristoforo
02-10-2011, 10:55 AM
"You guys are a horrible influence"

Yeah... you just don't know about the kickbacks...

John Keeton
02-10-2011, 11:11 AM
Cathy, they sell veggies at the farmer's market!! You have your priorities in order!

CONGRATS!!!! You will love it.

Anyway, it is Roger's fault!

Roger Chandler
02-10-2011, 11:19 AM
Anyway, it is Roger's fault!


Roger Chandler
02-10-2011, 11:27 AM

I think it is all John's fault ............I was not "snake bit" until I started noticing all his hollow forms.............I don't know where the buck stops at, but I do know that I was not the first! Pardon my english, but .........ain't gettin' snake bit, a lot of fun! :D

Steve Vaughan
02-10-2011, 11:32 AM
Settle down guys, it's all probably hearsay, we have no pictures of the actual ordering process or anything like that. I'm thinking at this point she's just blowing smoke.

Bernie Weishapl
02-10-2011, 12:23 PM
Hey Cathy, congrats. You are going to love it. As much snow as you guys got I wouldn't worry about the garden.:eek::D Look forward to seeing some good stuff.

David E Keller
02-10-2011, 12:27 PM
Settle down guys, it's all probably hearsay, we have no pictures of the actual ordering process or anything like that. I'm thinking at this point she's just blowing smoke.

You are in contempt, sir... Throw the book at him, Cathy!:D

Congrats on the order... I can't say that I'm surprised though, as I saw this order coming months ago.

Steve Vaughan
02-10-2011, 1:32 PM
Sorry David, and gang. I guess I was in contempt;). I'm taking all that back cause deep down inside I was just sorta wishing :( that ya'lls influence could have that same impact with me. I really want one of them units bad and I ain't got one yet and now I'm feeling I might just have to spend more bucks in this vortex I'm in:D:D:D. Cathy, no doubt, congrats on the buy, and one day, I'm gonna be right behind ya!

Michael James
02-10-2011, 1:34 PM
It's about time! If motivated, you CAN balance your free time between turning and gardening. Really!
If you had waited, and dropped sufficient hints, LOYL might have placed the order as a Valentine's day gift. Nothing says LOVE like feeding yer honey's addiction! :cool::D:p

Jon Nuckles
02-10-2011, 2:13 PM
I agree with Roger; seeing Mr. Keeton's hollow forms pushed me over the edge and I ordered my articulating monster on Monday. As soon as it arrives, I assume I will be able to crank out similar pieces to his, right?:rolleyes:

If he doesn't get a kickback from Randy, he probably should.

Baxter Smith
02-10-2011, 2:20 PM
Congratulations Cathy! I tend to agree. I have succumbed more than once. Can't say I regretted it in each instance though.

Jon Lanier
02-10-2011, 2:42 PM
Baxter, Congratulations!!! When you get it going, I'd love to drop by for a visit to see how it works.

Cathy Schaewe
02-10-2011, 2:58 PM
You are in contempt, sir... Throw the book at him, Cathy!:D

Congrats on the order... I can't say that I'm surprised though, as I saw this order coming months ago.
I think I'm going to have to turn a gavel. I never need one in the courtroom, but with you guys ... ;)

I saw it coming too, but resisted as long as I could. I finally got frustrated with trying to guess how thick the bottom of the form is as I'm hollowing. That laser will be cool!

Cathy Schaewe
02-10-2011, 3:01 PM
Cathy, they sell veggies at the farmer's market!! You have your priorities in order!

John, I don't think I can get this at the farmers market ....
(and that's less than half of that perennial bed, then there's all the others ...)

John Keeton
02-10-2011, 3:19 PM
Cathy, that is beautiful!!! Believe it or not, at our last home I was an avid gardener - had well over a hundred different varieties of perrenials, and 60+ varieties of daylillies in one bed about 35' long x 10' wide. It really got out of hand so badly that when we built this home I vowed to not have anything more than necessary border and foundation plantings. Still have too much, but it is much easier to manage.

Alan Trout
02-10-2011, 3:21 PM

Congratulations. Hopefully I will have a piece of nice mesquite for you to use your new rig with.


Roger Chandler
02-10-2011, 4:07 PM
John, I don't think I can get this at the farmers market ....
(and that's less than half of that perennial bed, then there's all the others ...)

That is a very lovely bed of flowers, Your Honor!

David E Keller
02-10-2011, 9:08 PM
Cathy, the flowers are beautiful. That new hollowing system is going to be perfect for creating vessels to display cut flowers... I find combining addictions makes everything better.

Cathy Schaewe
02-11-2011, 12:03 PM
Cathy, the flowers are beautiful. That new hollowing system is going to be perfect for creating vessels to display cut flowers... I find combining addictions makes everything better.

Now THERE's an idea!!!

ray hampton
02-11-2011, 2:11 PM
If you are caught turning flowers in your lathe, you will be tar +feather

Gary Max
02-11-2011, 2:30 PM
The sawdust really helps out the compost pile, plus it aint ever going to stop snowing.