View Full Version : Another first,for me anyway

Fred LeBail
01-16-2005, 3:19 PM
After receiving my DVD from Mike Mahoney on the Kelton Coring system on Thursday and viewing it a couple of times I decided that I had waited long enough so Saturday I chucked up an ash blank that I had and tried Coring.
My first and last attempt was terrible using the instructions that came with the System , but after reading the advice of turners here and other forums and watching the DVD I think I can call the adventure a success.
What do yuo think.
Thanks , Fred

Jim Becker
01-16-2005, 3:23 PM
Looks like success to me, Fred!! And a great way to preserve material, especially when it's highly figured or expensive exotics. Plus, it just plain gives you more blanks to turn!!!

Jim Ketron
01-16-2005, 3:54 PM
Looks like it worked good Fred!
what are the sizes of the bowls?
I have been thinking of trying to make a homemade one if I can come opon the right stuff to make it.

Ted Shrader
01-16-2005, 4:16 PM
Fred -

Looks like you were very successful. How steep is the learning curve for feeding the coring tool in to the work? Looks like a great way to conserve material. Would be especially useful for valuable material.


Fred LeBail
01-16-2005, 11:21 PM
Jim, the largest bowl is about 9" ,the 2nd @7" and the last @ 5".They are soaking in Methyl Hydrate now so I can't get exact measurements.

Ted, the learning curve for feeding isn't too steep, but I learned quite a bit in this exercise . The most important thing is that my lathe is desperately under powered. I am going to put on a bigger motor and try it again. Got lots of catches and belt stopping.


Anthony Yakonick
01-16-2005, 11:47 PM
Nice job on the coring. I have to ask what happened to the other half of that General :confused:

Fred LeBail
01-17-2005, 7:45 AM
I bought the General used & the salesman told me the guy was upgrading to a bigger General and kept the stand.???
