View Full Version : Table Saw Set Up Question

Bill Borchardt
01-16-2005, 1:40 PM
I'm setting up my saw and I've got the miter tracks to +/- 0.001" parallel to the blade (using a dial indicator) on both miter tracks. I'm pretty happy with that. :) (I've still got to put the cast iron wings and fence on which should be fun . . . . )

Using a straight edge, it looks like the cast iron table top is cupped in the center about - 0.005". :mad: I don't have a feeler gauge, so I used different thicknesses of paper slid under the straight edge then measured the paper thickness with a micrometer.

I read somewhere that you can take a sander with fine grit silicone sandpaper, and with some work, get the top "perfect". My friend says "Don't worry about it, it's nothing", you'll screw it up more by messing with it!".

Is the - 0.005" cupping on the top within acceptable tolerances (anything to worry about or take action on)? :confused:


Ted Shrader
01-16-2005, 1:45 PM
Bill -

Don't try to sand it flat, you will only cause more problems. How wide is the 0.005" dip? As your friend says, really don't think you should have any problems with it.

The flatness spec for Powermatic 66 is 0.010". You are within that.


christopher webb
01-16-2005, 1:49 PM
hello bill it was interesting on reading your concern over your table top.......let me assure you that you are well within the limits of what is normal for a table top from a saw......rememeber that you are working with wood....a very unrelable thing that moves with the time and the weather and humidity.....i don't think if i were you that i would concern myself with .005 .....take all of that energy that you are putting on the table and place it on a nice piece of furniture ,,,,, and remember that woodworking is a gift and it is fun.....don't sweat the small stuff.....and just enjoy yourself

Bill Borchardt
01-16-2005, 2:03 PM
Christopher and Ted,

Thanks for the feedback (and reassurance) on the saw top. :)

I bought the Craftsman 22124 hybrid/cabinet saw right before Christmas.
I'm only now finally putting it together and setting it up.

Maybe by the end of the day I'll be making sawdust!
(Unless SWMBO come up with another "higher priority" project this Sunday.)

Cheers . . . .

Bill Borchardt

Ted Shrader
01-16-2005, 2:09 PM
Bill -

Don't forget the pictures. :) ;) :)


Bill Borchardt
01-16-2005, 5:55 PM
After I get the saw together, set up, switched to 240V, then I'll try to figure out how to post a picture of my new arrival. :)

Cheers . . .

Bill Borchardt

aurelio alarcon
01-17-2005, 1:42 AM
congrats on the new table saw.I think that Christopher and Ted are right on target. its nice to have it perfectly flat, but unless your sub contracting for NASA, i wouldn't be too concerned about that little of a dip. post some pics when you get it set up.