View Full Version : "E"Books on wood turning

Tim Thiebaut
02-08-2011, 11:48 AM
Morning all, my wife recently bought me a Nook ebook and I have been trying to find Ebooks on wood turning, and other then some books that were writen for high school instruction in the '70s I have not had much luck, someday everything will be avalible in digital form but we are not there yet. If you have any info on ebooks for wood turning could you let me know please, thanks! Tim

Brian Effinger
02-08-2011, 12:52 PM
Taunton (Fine Woodworking) has some e-books. I'm not sure if they will work for the nook, but it's a start. Here's one: http://www.tauntonstore.com/turning-wood-with-richard-raffan-revised-ebook-077997.html

The guys that make Popular Woodworking magazine might have e-books too.

Mark Hubl
02-08-2011, 1:08 PM
I have a kindle app on my phone and have not had much luck finding turning books. Just a couple of the ancient texts out on google.

Thom Sturgill
02-08-2011, 1:33 PM
I downloaded a chapter of Richard Raffans book onto my Kindle - illustrations were un-viewable.

Tim Thiebaut
02-08-2011, 2:07 PM
Thanks for the input guys,
Mark, I know all I could find were some old high school reference books that were "very" dated in the info they contained.
Thom, I will see if I can find it and see if it works on the Nook, thank you.
Brian, I will go check them out now, thank you for the heads up! Tim

Jim Burr
02-08-2011, 7:24 PM
Hey Tim...I just picked up my new Droid yesterday and downloaded the Kindle app. Same result you found. I did find an app on basic wood turning however...about a buck I think.

Ralph Lindberg
02-08-2011, 7:41 PM
Are you familiar with this book http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/15460

I just did a search at Barnes&Noble for woodturning Books for the Nook, but none of these are "new" works

According to a page I found at Fine Woodworking, they currently (?) have no eBooks on turning. What they have is...
Basic Box Making (http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore/item/basic-box-making-doug-stowe-070904.html), by Doug Stowe. One of the foremost experts of the craft shares his techniques for making beautiful boxes.
Building Doors and Drawers (http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore/item/building-doors-and-drawers-andy-rae-070912.html), by Andy Rae. This well-known woodworker and teacher shows how to make cabinet doors and drawers that are stylish, simple, and functional.
Projects for Your Shop (http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore/item/projects-for-your-shop-matthew-teague-070770.html), by Matthew Teague. A collection of straightforward, practical projects for benches, storage, sawhorses, and much more.
Furniture You Can Build (http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore/item/furniture-you-can-build-joseph-hurst-wajszczuk-070850.html), by Joseph Hurst-Wajszczuk. Practical and attractive projects tailored to the needs of the part-time woodworking enthusiast.
The Workbench (http://store.taunton.com/onlinestore/item/the-workbench-lon-schleining-070720.html), by Lon Schleining. A guided tour of classic, modern, and specialty benches, with nearly 300 photos that can help you find the right features for your own bench.

In general, e-ink (which is what both the B&W Nook and Kindle use) sux at images

Tim Thiebaut
02-08-2011, 8:14 PM
Thanks Ralph, Brian posted the link to taunton press a little earlier today, but thanks for looking, hopefully they will start converting some turning books over to ebooks soon!

Brian Effinger
02-09-2011, 11:54 PM
there appear to be 5 e-books at Taunton. http://www.tauntonstore.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=woodturning