View Full Version : Something Turned By Rude - Updated Pics

Mark Hubl
02-08-2011, 12:07 AM
Here is my contribution to Rude week. This dish is a Rude piece. Interestingly enough just after I started turning my MIL brought it over with some candies on it. I thought it looked awfully nice and started to study it and low and behold it was an Osolnik Original. My MIL had the piece for years. She probably picked it up on one of her many travels through KY. It is my only collected piece so far!

Alan Trout
02-08-2011, 8:59 AM

That is an awesome piece. It is evident that your MIL has good taste. I just love how cherry ages. Congratulations on a very fine first piece for your collection.


John Keeton
02-08-2011, 12:30 PM
Mark, that is so neat to own!! Not only a nice piece, but the history and collectibility of it are priceless.

Bernie Weishapl
02-08-2011, 12:47 PM
Really a nice piece and to own a original. That is nice.