View Full Version : yellow box burl

David E Keller
02-07-2011, 7:49 PM
I've had this piece of Australian yellow box burl for a while, and I finally figured I'd stared at it long enough. The original plan called for a collar and finial lid, but a couple of careless moves with the hollower left me with a larger opening than I wanted for a contrasting lid. I decided with the luck I was having that I should probably quit while behind. Too bad the original vision didn't come true as I really like the looks of this chunk of wood.

Finished with BLO and one coat of WOP so far. It's about 5 inches in diameter and 3.5 inches tall. Pretty thin for me... Maybe an eighth.

Comments, criticism, and suggestions appreciated.

Roger Chandler
02-07-2011, 7:53 PM
Gee Doc, you have been a busy beaver! The hits keep on coming tonight. Very good form on this.

Michael James
02-07-2011, 7:56 PM
I think thats a winner as is. Beautiful chunk of wood and a nice form. Keep em coming!

John Keeton
02-07-2011, 8:03 PM
David, I certainly don't think you were behind when you quit! Great form, and the opening looks fine. On this piece, the collar/finial idea would have worked, but I think it works better without it IMO.

Was this one hard as concrete? I had my fill of the Aussie burls early on. With a little more chips behind me, I may try another one someday.

Ken Glass
02-07-2011, 8:14 PM
All right....Do you ever work. You turn out some very nice pieces and this one is no exception. Great wood, color, form and finish.

Curt Fuller
02-07-2011, 8:31 PM
Wow, that's a nice one! That's the first I've heard of yellow box burl, sure is pretty wood. I tend to think that when you have a great piece of wood like that with all kinds of interesting grain and burl designs running through it that it's better without a lid or finial. Extracurricular things like lids and fancy finials seem to draw your eye away from the natural beauty in the wood and in this case would also hide the delicate look those 1/8" walls give it. If you hadn't mentioned the incident with the opening I would have though it was just a brilliant example of form and turning skill.....in fact I still think it is.

Jim Burr
02-07-2011, 8:35 PM
OK...I'm tired of this...refer to previous C&C :p;):D

Lupe Duncan
02-07-2011, 8:54 PM
Nice form and great grain pattern David.

David Warkentin
02-07-2011, 8:58 PM
You sure have been busy. This one looks good too.

David E Keller
02-07-2011, 9:48 PM
Thanks to all for the kind words... Even J. Burr!:D

...Was this one hard as concrete? I had my fill of the Aussie burls early on. With a little more chips behind me, I may try another one someday.

Actually, this one wasn't too bad... It was wax sealed and still had a little moisture in it. One nice thing about the Aussie burls is that they scrape very well. Since the monster system is basically a scraper system, I think the Aussie burls are a natural fit. Let me know if you get a hankering for another try, I might have a piece of something with your name on it!

charlie knighton
02-07-2011, 9:55 PM
very nice, i like your form

Baxter Smith
02-07-2011, 10:05 PM
Very nice shape and pretty wood. I think it looks great unadorned!

Dale Bright
02-07-2011, 10:08 PM

You are really on a roll with the well done hollow forms today. This is another beauty.


Bernie Weishapl
02-07-2011, 10:15 PM
Really nice form and finish David. Another wonderful piece.

Richard Madden
02-07-2011, 10:56 PM
You're cranking em out! Nice piece of wood and a very slick job of turning.

Steve Schlumpf
02-08-2011, 12:14 AM
Beautiful turning David! This piece works well as is - so I am glad you didn't go the collar/finial route! Sure is some interesting wood - each face tells a different story!

Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Roland Martin
02-08-2011, 7:19 AM
That is another fantastic form and the wood is great.

Michelle Rich
02-08-2011, 7:21 AM
Hi David: I like the piece. The foot is super tiny, yet you got a great shape going from tiny to wide shoulder. the wood , of course is spectacular. I do not see the size of the opening to be too big. I think it balances out the tiny foot very well. I'd like my mistakes to turn out this well.

Tim Rinehart
02-08-2011, 7:55 AM
Not to just go along with what others are saying...but this really turned out quite well. The shape and flow is perfect to my eye and the opening looks sized well for rest of piece. Interesting grain to those Aussie burls...
Great job!

Faust M. Ruggiero
02-08-2011, 8:17 AM
Hey Doc,
Given your occupation, being able to make a "careless move" with consequences so minor that merely cause the original plan to change has to be a hoot. No wonder you chose a hobby that gives you artistic license. Your minor mistakes might actually enhance what you are doing. Really interesting turning. Glad you are getting shop time. Yours are some of the posts I look forward to seeing.

bob svoboda
02-08-2011, 9:04 AM
Really fine continuous curve on this piece. The small foot works perfectly. Nicely done!

Mark Cothren
02-08-2011, 11:43 PM
Love everything about this one, David!