View Full Version : New Pen (My FAV)

Lee Koepke
02-06-2011, 4:58 PM
Well, this is (by far) my favorite pen so far (only done a dozen, so not a huge sample size) ... its a silver plated slimline ..

This particular piece of cherry, I have had around my shop for a couple of years, I turned two bowls from it (the lidded bowl that I dropped, if you remember) and the prettiest part couldnt fit in the bowl, so I saved it for a pen! Its very figured, so I did my best to be careful, but the bottom of one of my blanks blew out during drilling. I stewed on that for awhile, until I read a thread at IAP about turning off the 'stupid' part and putting something else back, so here it is. The blow-out replaced with a bit of solid surface 'sample' material I got from a local cabinet shop.

Thanks for looking, any comments, critiques, suggestions welcome.


David E Keller
02-06-2011, 5:58 PM
Nice save, Lee. That is a prettyy bit of cherry, and the black looks good with it.

Bernie Weishapl
02-06-2011, 8:18 PM
That is a nice save Lee. The black and cherry go good together.

James Combs
02-06-2011, 9:16 PM
Great looking pen Lee. I will have to remember that save trick. Blew out a pink ivory blank just last night. May have saved it if I had seen this first. I thought you had a modified comfort tip when I first looked at the post.

Jon Lanier
02-06-2011, 9:31 PM
As pretty as that pen is... they will keep getting better and new favorites will arise from the wood bin.

Steve Schlumpf
02-06-2011, 9:57 PM
Great looking pen! The black looks like part of the design - something for your fingers to grab while writing!

Don Alexander
02-06-2011, 11:55 PM
very nicely done pretty wood and the save looks like it was intentional (like good saves do)