View Full Version : Teeny Tiny Tulip Goblets

Gary Max
01-15-2005, 3:02 PM
Someone asked how small could I turn a Tulipwood goblet.

Without any special micro tools--here is what I came up with.

SWMBO has laid claim to them already. I started with a 5/8 inch pen blank cutoff.
Hope you enjoy.:D

Dick Parr
01-15-2005, 5:11 PM
Very nice Gary, my eyes wouldn't be able to see that at the end of lathe. :rolleyes:

David Fried
01-16-2005, 9:39 AM
The only way I could do that would be to find dimes the size of dinner plates! . :D Really nice! Thanks for sharing

Gary Max
01-18-2005, 11:42 AM
Got a email that said something about-- being glad I did not try a captured ring.
Oh David how about a plate smaller than the goblets made of tulipwood?
And just for the heck of it what they look like on a lathe.
I did have to use dental tools to cut the ring.:D

Gary Max
01-18-2005, 11:46 AM
Here are the other pics--Hope you enjoy

Anthony Penchetta
01-19-2005, 2:10 PM
Now I'm impressed , great job Gary. How can I order a service for 12 :D


Jim Dunn
01-19-2005, 7:03 PM
Anthony, how small is your family?

Gary, that's very impressive, nice work.


Dawn Sunkle
01-19-2005, 8:02 PM
Now you're just showing off ;)
But you got my attention.. I'm impressed.
You do awesome work. I appreciate you sharing the pictures.


Gary Max
01-20-2005, 8:15 PM
Thanks for all the kind words folks. I guess that is what it's all about for me---I want this to always be fun.