View Full Version : What I've been working on

Harry Robinette
02-02-2011, 11:48 PM
Hi All
This is what I've been working on (I have to have a couple projects going at once)the
One on chuck- 1st coat of finish Arm-r-seal
Taper vase- a friends he's working in my shop his house burnt,I'm finishing for him 3rd coat sanded DO.
Maple vase-trying some things,just working on it (been 3 months now)
Poplar-fresh turning, sealed with oil /sanded with DO
Large maple-almost done 3rd coat DO drying

Jon McElwain
02-03-2011, 12:04 AM
That looks like a nice set of projects you have got there! I like the natural edge piece - attractive color and a nice thick bark rim. I also like the light weight look to the first piece in the chuck - clean and simple. I will be interested in seeing the completed carved piece as well. Are you going for a revealed brick castle look with that one?

Of course I am suspicious of your work - no wood shavings, dust, or tools lying around on the bench to prove that you actually spent time working on these projects....:D

Steve Schlumpf
02-03-2011, 12:05 AM
Looks like you have been keeping busy! Nice forms! Really find your experimental Maple vase interesting! Looking forward to seeing it once completed!

John Keeton
02-03-2011, 6:05 AM
Harry, very nice array of projects! I also think the maple vase is interesting. Looks like you are getting a nice effect of plaster coming off a brick wall - hope that is the intent!

Keith E Byrd
02-03-2011, 6:17 AM
Good looking projects. What is DO?

Fred Perreault
02-03-2011, 6:29 AM
Nice stuff Harry, especially the "bowl on a chuck". I set things aside on a chuck to dry in shavings for a while and do another often. Sometimes it works out successfully. :)

bob svoboda
02-03-2011, 9:56 AM
Good stuff Harry. Looks like you are keeping busy!

Bernie Weishapl
02-03-2011, 10:10 AM
Harry those are some nice looking turnings. I like the maple vase and hope you will post it when it is finished.

Baxter Smith
02-03-2011, 10:36 AM
Great assortment of turnings. The maple vase looks neat(and time consuming!)

Jim Burr
02-03-2011, 10:58 AM
Some good lookijng stuff there Harry. Glad to see your keeping busy!

Doug Wolf
02-03-2011, 11:01 AM
Good looking projects. What is DO?

Danish Oil