View Full Version : Walnut Buck call

Ken Hill
02-02-2011, 9:07 PM
Looks ok in the pics, but I am not as happy with it as I thought I should be.

MOA finish



David E Keller
02-02-2011, 10:40 PM
That's really nice. The wood and finish are beautiful, and the dark photo background really gives the photos a great feel.

Baxter Smith
02-02-2011, 10:50 PM
Great looking walnut!

Rodney Walker
02-02-2011, 11:50 PM
No expert about turning and I don't claim to know anything about calls either, but the wood and the workmanship appear to be first rate. I have to ask. What is it that makes you unhappy with it?

Ken Hill
02-03-2011, 5:20 AM
Just small details Rodney. Sometimes i'm a picky rascal

John Keeton
02-03-2011, 5:54 AM
Well, it looks good to me! Perhaps your aging eyes aren't telling you the full story, Ken. Love that wood - nice stuff. I am surprised at the MAO finish, it looks very deep and filled the grain very well. Did you dip it?

Ken Hill
02-03-2011, 5:59 AM
No dip, just many many coats over a week or so. The pictures actually make it look glossier then it really is I hate to say but it will make a fine call for someone. I may disassemble it and wait on warmer weather and do a full CA finish on it, its just too cold here (even with heat in the shop) to do the CA work right now. Ive been using WOP poly this week due to the cold (wipe on inside and leave near the woodstove) As much as I hate the plastic feel of a CA finish, once you get used to doing them there is nothing faster that leaves such a gloss finish.

John Keeton
02-03-2011, 6:01 AM
Ken, I have never done the CA finish on anything, but someday I will find the appropriate project. Did you get pounded by the storm?

Ken Hill
02-03-2011, 7:39 AM
We got mainly ice, but then it rained so the side of the shop that houses my powder coating oven and booth flooded, but just enough for me not to be able to work in there yesterday. Water and electric just don't mix haha! We had a foot of snow from the last storm, then it reached almost 45 yesterday and teh overnight rain just made for a mess. Last night it was single digits with 35 mph winds so ice skating is mandatory to go outside! Sleding should be high speed tonight!!

Im hooked on the CA finish but have a ton of unanswered questions that noone seems to be clear on. Health issues, long term durability, how it affects the wood from developing its final coloring. Then if there is an issue aggressive sanding is in order to repair it which could affect detail work etc etc. Ive been given some advice on using the brush on lacquer as a grain fill/sanding sealer, then applying several brushed on and rubbed in coats before doing CA as the final finish. I have been using this on the last 30 or 40 calls ive made when doing the CA finish and I do like this method over using dewaxed shellac, but not sure again with the ultimate long term benefit of it all. Many ways to skin a cat they say.

Finished this grunter this morning out of Yellowheart. I really enjoy working with this wood! Due to the cold temps, a WOP finish was used.


Dale Bright
02-03-2011, 8:51 AM

I really like the calls you are doing, first rate. I have used a CA finish on some pens and some stoppers, with good results. I use the BLO / CA method and it is the quickest and easiest I have tried. There is a lot of information on CA finishes over at the IAP site, penturners dot org. Here is a link to a video of the method I use: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orcgOf4siqc


Bernie Weishapl
02-03-2011, 10:27 AM
Both calls are beauties Ken but that walnut is just awesome. The wood just has a deep rich look.

Tony De Masi
02-03-2011, 2:06 PM
I like them both Ken, but then again you have to be happy with them as well. Which calls are you using for these?

Ken Hill
02-03-2011, 2:32 PM
Tony, I use the guts that the industry uses...not sure if they really have a name! They are adjsutable for different types of deer and work extremely well

Russell Eaton
02-03-2011, 3:10 PM
+1 for the Walnut, it looks like glass. Thanks for posting, and setting the bar so high.