View Full Version : Woodworking magazines, it takes all types...

Jerome Hanby
01-31-2011, 1:48 PM
A 'creeker helped me out getting a bargain price on a subscription to American Woodworker. I had tracked down an old back issue for the router table project and thought it might be a good magazine to receive. After the second issue arrived, I remarked to my wife that these guys must be trying to kill this periodical,there is nothing even vaguely interesting in this very "under paged" magazine. She replied that I must be kidding, these were far and away better than the other titles I receive (Wood, Woodsmith,Shopnotes). Guess they do have a target audience, it's just not me:D.

Jerome Hanby
01-31-2011, 1:55 PM
On that note, I've pretty much eliminated FWW. I subscribe to the online service and look at the current issues, and get the dvds, but have no interest in getting the actual magazine. I keep looking at Popular Woodworking, it it just doesn't grab me. Again I get their DVDs just for the reference value. I've actually bought an issue of Woodcraft's magazine and liked it. Any others worth a look? My wife is into wood turning, so I'd be open to any on that subject that are worthwhile. I seem to be jinxed on getting my shop back online, so reading about it is better than nothing...

Anthony Whitesell
01-31-2011, 3:13 PM
Given that I am just graduating from newbie and beginner status to the intermediate woodworking.

I like Wood, but they definately have their ups-and-downs. Some of the issues are a once read and put away. You just have to slog through some issues until they put out something good. Others are still sitting out from years ago (such as their DC buyers guide, good stuff in that issue). I am holding on to it because I have been making the construction toys they featured and am hoping they will do more. Shop Notes is OK, especially if you like to build jigs. I don't end up building much, if anything, directly from the magazine but instead gives me ideas on how to do something I have in my head.

ken carroll
01-31-2011, 4:41 PM
Back in its "black and white" era American Woodworker was the best magazine out there. Now it is just like "Wood", that is aimed at the absolute beginner with trivial projects
and the same old tool tests. FWW is the only readable magazine left.

Ron Kellison
01-31-2011, 5:17 PM
If you liked the older version of American Woodworker you should check out this link:


It covers every issue from 1989 (B&W era) to 1999. I find the ads as interesting as the content!



Josh Rudolph
01-31-2011, 8:44 PM
Popular woodworking is the only one I will be subscribing to any more. I am letting my FWW go in April. They have a good article once every 5 issues or so, I figure I can pick it up at the library or store if interested. With me becoming much more of a hybrid woodworker, I want to learn more about hand tools and incorporating them into my normal work. PWW has it in every issue along with other interesting things. Can't say that about the others any more.

Mike Gager
01-31-2011, 9:24 PM
you can find all the magazines online if you know where to look. i dont even buy them anymore. most of the content is just rehashed stuff thats been done before anyways

Michael Titus
01-31-2011, 10:25 PM
I manage the magazine exchange for my local woodworking club: members drop off woodworking magazines they've read and no longer want, and other members take them home. First come, first served, members may keep them forever or read them and bring them back the following month. FWW almost never appears in the pile and disappears instantly when it does. Woodsmith and Workbench are almost as rare, Popular Woodworking is more common but goes quickly. American Woodworker and Woodworker's Journal are fairly common and move slowly. Wood is the most common and least fought over.

Rick Cicciarelli
01-31-2011, 11:31 PM
Interesting what some of you guys are saying. There are rare occasions I find an interesting article in one of the many other wood working magazines, but I generally find them to be worthless and overpriced. Fine Woodworking is really a great magazine in my own opinion. I love the way the magazine is laid out, the tips, the articles, the readers gallery....just a great magazine all around. Just my opinion. Much better than the others on the rack.

Chip Lindley
02-01-2011, 12:06 AM
FWW was absolutely essential to my learning as a new woodworker. But, after 20 years I saw a redundancy of the basics,and not enough new information. If you've seen one treatise on hand-cutting dovetails, you've seen em all! But, the FWW Archive DVD is well worth having.

Doug Colombo
02-01-2011, 12:19 AM
I have been getting Woodsmith for years. I enjoy reading it and am always looking forward to going through the next issue. I also get Shop Notes and enjoy it as well. I have to agree with the comments on American Woodworker - tried it again a few months ago and relaized why I stopped getting it in the past !!

Bryan Morgan
02-01-2011, 1:04 AM
I subscribe to all of them. What are they like 10 bucks a year now? I always find something useful in them.