View Full Version : Dylos meter/air acrubber Q's

Rick Moyer
01-29-2011, 12:44 PM
I see the price on these has gone up since the bulk purchase here a few years ago. I now wish I had gotten in on that. I don't really want to spend $200 on one, so I thought possibly one of you might be willing to offset your cost by renting yours to me for a week. PM me if you're game.

While battling my second case of sinusitis in 6 weeks I think I want to get a better handle on dust in the shop. I have just completed the install of my cyclone so that should help some. I do not have an air scrubber so I have some questions about those as well. I know the dusk mask/respirator is the best thing and I DO wear one often, just not all the time. How long does an air scrubber like the JDS take to get particle counts back down to acceptable levels? I'm thinking if it's a half hour or less, I wouldn't have to constantly wear a mask. I'd appreciate some data to see how effective the air scrubbers are.

Neil Brooks
01-29-2011, 2:11 PM
I just want to reiterate what you already know:

Wear the respirator.

My 3M 7500 is VERY comfortable, and -- with its P100 particulate filters -- VERY effective.

I have a good DC setup, AND a big version of the JDS, BUT ....

The JDS -- almost no matter WHERE I locate it -- is going to suck up dust, run it PAST ME, and then filter it out.

I tend to use it only AFTER I'm done in the shop, and then ... let it run for an hour or so.

But I try to be diligent about wearing the 3M mask. For MY money ... IT'S the best prevention that _I_ have against similar sinus issues, and ... whatever other evil the small particles might do.

Just two more cents ....

Andrew Schlosser
01-30-2011, 10:38 AM
hey rick, I was thinking along the same lines as you- a 2 week rental! it's not like you use the thing every week, but more likely, just every couple of years (shop changes, new tools, etc)