View Full Version : Clark hollowing systems???

Jerry Marcantel
01-29-2011, 9:28 AM
Does anyone on SMC have a Clark Hollowing system? I searched Kobra and it was featured on a site with some of the systems some of you have.... It looks like it's design lets you use it more in line with the way you would be holding a regular tool without the system... Any input would be appreciated... Here is the link for those who might be interested. http://www.theokspindoctor.com
Jerry (in Tucson)

Jerry Marcantel
01-29-2011, 2:06 PM
I can't believe this!! 71 views, and not one comment.. I'm guessing no one has this system.... I've already seen where there is room for improvement, and all I've seen is a picture..... I really am hoping someone has it so I can talk to them about it....... Jerry (in Tucson)

Steve Schlumpf
01-29-2011, 2:16 PM
Never even seen one of these systems but remember a long time ago of folks posting that the Clark system allowed for some really deep hollowing. Hope someone with one of the systems jumps on before to long...

David E Keller
01-29-2011, 7:48 PM
For some reason, I can't view part of the site. I watched the video of him using the setup to round a log... I'm not sure how that translates to hollowing. I think I can round a log faster with a bowl gouge. I haven't heard of anyone with this system, but it's interesting that it's made within an hour or two of me... I might have to check it out.

Willie Wax
01-29-2011, 9:32 PM
Jerry, I have both the Clark deep hollowing setup and a Kobra articulated hollowing rig. I would be happy to try and answer any questions that you have. I can tell you that I have used them both and love the way they work. I am trying to attach a photo of the systems in use. Sorry, I cannot get the photo attached. Drop me a line or give me a call sometimes.