View Full Version : Cleaning Horizontal Cyclone Filters

Anthony Whitesell
01-28-2011, 9:43 AM
A while back I saw someone (or maybe a few someones) that have their cartridge filters installed horizontally. It just occurred to me that may be an option for me as well, but I was wondering how you went about cleaning them when they are installed hoziontally. :rolleyes:

Chris Padilla
01-28-2011, 4:36 PM
The times I've let my collection bin overflow, I've had to clean out my horizontal air filters. But they were mostly clogged through the open center so I just used a hose from my DC to suck out the center of the air filters. I have not gone and beat the pleats/folds or anything like that. Besides, mine are mounted in such a way that taking them down is something I simply will not do...very painful.