View Full Version : Northwest Ohio Woodworkers Guild

Jim Paulson
01-26-2011, 8:00 AM
Hi all,

Just made my first meeting of the Northwest Ohio Woodworkers Guild last night. It was pretty neat to talk woodworking with a bunch of folks. The meetings are held at the Bowling High School Woodworking Shop. Any of you creekers ever get to the meetings?:)


Ted Martens
01-28-2011, 9:31 PM

Dang, I didn't know the meeting schedule, but I'd like to get there for one - is there a meeting in February?


Andrew Gibson
01-28-2011, 10:26 PM
It's always great to make it to a woodworking meeting. I make it to as many meetings of the tampa woodcrafters as I can. I always encourages everyone to find there local club and go out for a meeting and meet other woodworkers in your area.

Jim Paulson
01-30-2011, 1:30 PM
Hi Ted,

Great to hear from you. Yep there is a meeting on February 22nd on Bird and Duck Carving by Ron Ricard. I hoping he'll get me fired up to finally do a Mallard carving.

Since I just joined the Guild I can give you the schedule.

March 22nd on Making Benches for the Wood County Fair grounds
April 26th on Field Trip to Laborie Enterprises by Doug Laborie
May 24th on Tool Selection

Maybe I'll see you there.

Best wishes on your woodworking endeavors too. For the first time in many years I'm able to attend a meeting of local woodworkers and it is a kick. Maybe eventually I'll make a WIA conference, but not for awhile.

Take care,

Ted Martens
01-31-2011, 7:23 PM

Thanks so much for the information - I've known about the Guild for a while, but haven't been able to track down a meeting schedule. I've got them all in my calendar now, will be there for sure in March & April. Looking forward to it.

BTW, WIA is an event not to be missed, especially for a Neander. I've been a regular at The Woodworking Shows, both Columbus and Detroit, and WIA is soooo much better, less about the latest do-everthing, gotta have it gizmo. There's a ton of vintage tools and enough of the really good 'new stuff' to make you wish for a higher credit limit on your Visa.

And you can talk to some really talented people there - Larry Williams was kind enough to put up with my dumb questions for near a half-hour. Mark Harrell was there talking handsaws, Dale Barnard showed off his wall cabinet that was in American Woodworker, and on and on. They all were gracious and generous with their time, and I am grateful to them for it.

I even got to watch Frank Klaus cut dovetails, against the clock - how cool is that???


Scott Hergert
03-28-2012, 6:09 PM
Can you give me some details on the april 26 field trip? Is that open to non-members? I am new to the area and I am looking to learn more about a group.

Scott Hergert

Matt Meiser
03-28-2012, 8:38 PM
Guessing he meant April 2011.