View Full Version : First Segmented Pen

Michael Short
01-25-2011, 11:23 PM
This is my first attempt at doing segmented work on a pen.

I was inspired to try and do this project after coming across a photo of one made by Don Leman. After seeing his pen I decided to give it a shot.

The pen had 88 pieces in it that are of red oak, walnut, maple and mahogany. The segments are 3/16” thick.

The was a fun project and I am ready to experiment.


Bill Bulloch
01-26-2011, 7:07 AM
Nice job -- especially for a first. Is that four segments per ring?

Michael Short
01-26-2011, 10:38 AM

There are 22 rings of 4 segments.

bob svoboda
01-26-2011, 10:42 AM
Very nice, Michael. Way more patience than I have--maybe when I'm retired I will try some segementing.

Bernie Weishapl
01-26-2011, 10:44 AM
Really nice pen and first segmented one at that.

Quinn McCarthy
01-26-2011, 2:11 PM
Ataa boy Mike looking good.

Thats a lot of little pieces. When you made the pen blanks did you leave a void in the middle like a normal ring or do the pieces go to the center?


Tim Thiebaut
01-26-2011, 2:47 PM
That is just amazing, I dont think I would have the paitence for that type of turning.

Roland Martin
01-26-2011, 3:19 PM
Very good looking pen, one of a kind.

Donny Lawson
01-26-2011, 4:37 PM
Great looking pen. How much time do you have in it?

Russell Eaton
01-26-2011, 4:43 PM
very cool pen. I don't have the patience for that yet. Good job.

Michael Short
01-26-2011, 8:16 PM
Quinn -- The are 4 piece that meet at the center and you use that intersection for your drill point for the tube.

Donny -- I am not sure how much time that I do have in it for sure as I worked on it over a couple of days. Waiting for glue to dry throws me off on the tracking. I have +/- 3 hours into it by the time you cut and glue the blanks and then recut, sand and glue again and then it is just down to turning the pen blank.

Russell -- The nice thing about segmented work is that you can get 2-3 projects going and work on them in stages.

David E Keller
01-26-2011, 8:20 PM
Nice work. I did quite a few of these a few years ago, and they were great sellers for me. It's also a good way to use up rather plain wood and still make interesting pens.