View Full Version : water based stain that behaves like oil base

Clarence Miller
01-23-2011, 3:11 PM
Is there any such thing. I am trying to get the VOCs to a minimum.

Dave Gaul
01-23-2011, 7:35 PM
Check out trans tint dyes, usually mixed with denatured alcohol, but can also be mixed with distilled water...

Clarence Miller
01-23-2011, 10:01 PM
Thanks Dave, I ordered some tonight.

Dave Gaul
02-08-2011, 3:09 PM
CW, another thought I should have mentioned... if you are using a film type finish, I'm pretty sure you need to use a barrier coat of shellac between the dye and the film finish to prevent the dye from "lifting" out when you put the film finish on, if using a brush....

Howard Acheson
02-08-2011, 3:17 PM
A barrier coat is only necessary if you are overcoating a waterbased dye with a waterborne finish. No need if you are using an oil based, lacquer or shellac finish.

Dave Gaul
02-08-2011, 3:31 PM
Thanks for clarifying Howard, I had a feeling there was more to that concept!