View Full Version : Sunday morning Trio

Ken Hill
01-23-2011, 11:42 AM
All 3 Persimmon, 2 slate over glass, 1 ceramic over glass

CA finish


Steve Schlumpf
01-23-2011, 12:08 PM
Nice work Ken! You sure are whipping these things out!

Ken Hill
01-23-2011, 12:23 PM
Thanks Steve. I finally got the chucks and work flow I wanted down and can make them fairly quick and consistant now.

So many folks have pm'd me asking how to do it. I will try and do a tutorial for them, it is a bunch of fun to do!

John Keeton
01-23-2011, 12:41 PM
Ken, the one on the left sure has some nice character in the wood! Neat trio.

Ken Hill
01-23-2011, 12:55 PM
John, that one is more CA then wood I think! There was worm holes through out it. In person, the far right one is off the chain as far as grain. That one might just have to stay here haha. The feathering on the one side along with the side itself is just killer.

brian watts
01-23-2011, 2:01 PM
very nice ...hey ken donot know if you will say anything or not but you know were i could get some (((Persimmon)))at? just hard from me to come by around here..p.m. if you will..thanks

Ken Hill
01-23-2011, 2:02 PM
NCwoods on ebay has some listed now

All mine came from a tree here on the property, but I will be looking for more, love turning it!

Roger Chandler
01-23-2011, 2:08 PM
Man! The turkeys don't stand a chance! Nice Ken!

Russell Eaton
01-23-2011, 2:58 PM
Hey Ken, those look great. Thanks for showing.