View Full Version : Worksharp Sandpaper Alternative?

Casey Carr
01-20-2011, 6:30 PM
Is there such a thing? $15 a box just seems excessive to me. Thanks!

Van Huskey
01-20-2011, 7:12 PM
I will suggest something even more excessive. DMT makes "diamond" replacements that if they last near as long as they say will save significant money and time. I have both sets and so far I am very happy with them but nowhere near long enough to begin to say they are definitely a bargain.

There are alternatives for the standard paper (solid) but I can't remember who has them.

Mikail Khan
01-20-2011, 8:34 PM
Klingspor has a substitute 25 sheet box for $12. Center holes have already been cut.

Have not tried it.

Link (http://www.woodworkingshop.com/cgi-bin/B017E515/mac/additmdtl.mac/showItemDetail?item=SD06199&qtyA=0&phsO=N&desc=6%22X1%2F2%22%20CENTER%20HOLE%20STEARATE%20PS A%2025PK&drpshp=N&alOrd=Y&iQty=.000&oQty=.000&initQty=1&assortParent=K&itemForSale=Y&styleName=&fixD=&face=.00&gftc=&stck=Y&prefS=&calledFrom=DS&ordInfo1=&ordInfo2=&ordInfo3=&ordMan1=N&ordMan2=N&ordMan3=N&persCode=&persReqd=&persLink= &shipRemaining=0&daysBetween=0&daysBetweenFix=0&monthsBetween=0)


glenn bradley
01-20-2011, 8:44 PM
I use any quality paper that meets the specs I am after. For coarse work like taking out nicks, aluminum oxide paper works well. For the micron grit stuff, I use 3m micro abrasive film. I also use Worksharp's stuff when I get it on sale. I don't bother with PSA paper; I just spray some 3M 77 spray adhesive on the paper, set the glass wheel on it, press for about 30 seconds and then trim around the edge with a razor knife. Cut a cross in the hole and away you go. Naphtha quickly removes any residue left after taking the paper back off when its worn out.

Watch for clearance or bulk sales on quality abrasives in the right grits. I tried some cheap abrasives once because they were cheap. The effort to change the paper so frequently due to how fast it wore out and all the clean up and trimming that go along with those more frequent changes meant the cheap paper didn't save me any money IMHO.