View Full Version : Just Completed Pieces

Kathy Marshall
01-20-2011, 2:44 AM
These are the most recent pieces, still have about 8 more in varying stages of finishing.

Mesquite HF 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" DO and WOP. I think this may be my favorite of the HF's I've done. Turned endgrain from a small log, left it wide enough for a band of sapwood at the widest point. I really like including sapwood with mesquite.

Cottonwood HF 5" x 4" DO and WOP. This was rough turned soaking wet, then soaked in DNA for about 5 days, left to dry in shavings for a couple more days and then finish turned. No cracking and only enough movement so the lid I turned wont fit anymore.

Arizona Walnut bowl 7 1/2" x 2 1/2" finished in about 7 coats of tung oil. The blank had cracks in it to start with, and I filled them with CA and coffee. Turned green in one shot, then finished. I love the grain and color in this wood, can't wait to get some more.
178947 178949

Cherry bowl (courtesy of Cathy Schaewe :D ) 8" x 3" has 1 coat of walnut oil that just won't cure :mad:, would it work to put tung oil on top of the walnut oil? Looks dry and feels dry, but when you hold it, the oil comes to the surface where you touch it.
178945 178948

Bloodwood bowl 6" x 2 3/4" finished in tung oil. Love the look and feel of this wood (I think this little bowl is heavier than my 12" mesquite bowl), not so much the turning and sanding of it. This wood is very hard (I sharpened my gouge at least 6 times just doing the inside) went through a ton of sandpaper.
178951 178950

Thanks for looking!

charlie knighton
01-20-2011, 2:54 AM
thanks for sharing, very nice

John Keeton
01-20-2011, 7:12 AM
Kathy, great looking work, and I agree on the first HF - one of your best. The cherry bowl and bloodwood are very nice, and that bloodwood looks fantastic - begs to be held.

Michelle Rich
01-20-2011, 7:20 AM
HF & Cherry are my favorites. nice

Roland Martin
01-20-2011, 8:03 AM
Very nice work, Kathy. You've been very busy. I really like the form of the first HF and the sanding & finish on all is great. Thanks for posting.

Bill Hensley
01-20-2011, 8:29 AM
Nicely done! All are very nice but I'm particularly drawn to HF 1 and the bloodwood bowl.

Dan Cannon
01-20-2011, 8:35 AM
They all look great! I really like the form on that bloodwood bowl, simplicity at its best.
I'm hoping someone offers some advice on your issue with the walnut oil, I'm planning on using some on my next bowl and would be interested to hear if this is common.


David E Keller
01-20-2011, 8:40 AM
Lovely work on the whole lot, but that bloodwood is something else... I know it's hard to capture in photos, but that stuff just glows in the sunlight.

Scott Hackler
01-20-2011, 10:43 AM
Really nice work. I too love that Bloodwood bowl. It is so rich looking and the finish really shows it off well.

Joe Aliperti
01-20-2011, 10:51 AM
I am really drawn to the cherry bowl. Very nice! (Being colorblind, I probably can't appreciate the color of the bloodwood)

Paul Douglass
01-20-2011, 11:10 AM
All nice work for sure. The Hollow form in mesquite is my favorite because I am mesquite fan. Besides finished in "DO and WOP" sounds like a song.

The Arizona Walnut is some real pretty wood also.

Steve Schlumpf
01-20-2011, 11:25 AM
Very nice work on everything - especially the first hollow form!

I wouldn't put any finish over the walnut oil if it has not cured. If you did top coat with DO at this point - can almost guarantee you will have a real sticky mess! I would give the walnut oil time to cure and if you get tired of waiting - then mineral spirits should remove most of the surface oil. After that dries - you should be able to top coat with whatever finish you want.

Linda Persoon
01-20-2011, 11:28 AM
Love the form and finish on all of the bowls!!

Pure walnut oil is slow drying and does take ultraviolet light and warm temperatures to cure. I've used it on several types of wooden utility bowls but never cherry, however. Setting them in the shop windows and turning them to the sunlight, it takes a full month. But temps were at 70 F only. Read somewhere that this oil, in partidular, needs to be stored without air. Mine is in a plastic bottle and I squeeze out the air each time before capping. Not sure how or if this affects the cure (just a thought). Absolutely no experience on mixing oils. Maybe a call or email to the suppler / manufacturer - sometimes they are quite helpful.

Again, great job! Looking forward to seeing the others. Let us know how the cherry bowl is finished - nice piece of wood.

Sid Matheny
01-20-2011, 12:29 PM
Those are all A+ in my book but the first HF would have to be A+++.


Michael Short
01-20-2011, 1:06 PM
Some really nice work Kathy. Great Job !!!

Ron Stadler
01-20-2011, 1:41 PM
Like them all, Hf looks really good and your bloodwood bowl turned out great also. The grain in the Arizona walnut is beautiful, I just hope it don't warp to much on ya since you turned it green.

Leo Van Der Loo
01-20-2011, 1:53 PM
Both the first and last are my favorite ones, not to say the others aren't, love the look of the bloodwood, and the Mesquite HF is really a nice one, thanks for posting ;-))))

Tim Thiebaut
01-20-2011, 2:06 PM
Kathy those are beautiful, as some have said, the first HF, and the last bowl are my favorites...they are all very nice though. I love that dark wood, I have never had the fortune to try mesquite yet but I hope to someday as it is a beautiful wood.

Roger Chandler
01-20-2011, 2:08 PM
Good stuff there Kathy! I like the hollow form and the bloodwood bowl especially. All are very nice.........I did not realize that walnut oil was a long cure finish, so your post also was helpful. Thanks for showing these wood turnings!

Michael James
01-20-2011, 8:27 PM
Beautiful stuff! That 1st HF is the olla form that artist A Pena references over and over in his paintings and I LOVE his work. He's a local guy, but I've seen him down at the Scottsdale show before too! And that Az walnut is amazing.... I'd be willing to trade hot chile or cold beer for some of that! ;) Thanks for posting.

Baxter Smith
01-20-2011, 8:33 PM
Nice work on all but I love the color in that last bloodwood picture!

Bernie Weishapl
01-20-2011, 9:41 PM
Really some great looking turnings. I do like the first HF.

Jon Nuckles
01-21-2011, 12:19 AM
Would be proud to have produced any one of them. Nice work!