View Full Version : More Purpleheart Calls

Ken Hill
01-19-2011, 11:14 AM
Got frustrated and ordered a second chuck so I can grab these suckers from the inside pedestal. Im a gorilla and crack my share trying to chuck them just inside the ledge.

This one turned out pretty good. 3.5" slate over glass


This one had to be saved and will be a giveaway or a personal use call thanks to my inability to use just the right amount of pressure to chuck the dang thing. Both sound great, but this one is an Aluminum over glass and has everything I want in sound range, tone and rasp! Both have a CA grain fill, then MAO finish and buff


Dale Bright
01-19-2011, 12:03 PM

Nice looking calls and great photography.

Do you turn the dowels for the strikers or buy them and just glue them into the handles?


Tim Thiebaut
01-19-2011, 12:06 PM
Very nice as always Ken, what kind if chuck did you buy to hold them with?

Ken Hill
01-19-2011, 12:08 PM
Dale, I buy the dowels and turn the second portion.

Tim, I ordered the Barracuda with the multi jaw set.

Tim Thiebaut
01-19-2011, 1:08 PM
You have tempted me long enough Ken, I am going to order some parts and make some of those this coming month, they just look to nice to resist!

Ken Hill
01-19-2011, 1:33 PM
Tim, just like turning has a vortex, so does chasing the sound your after! Good luck LOL! Have fun!

Pierce Davidson
01-19-2011, 9:47 PM
That one really grabs me. Being a newbie, I need to ask a question. What is MAO finish?

Michael James
01-19-2011, 9:59 PM
That one really grabs me. Being a newbie, I need to ask a question. What is MAO finish?
Minwax antique oil, I believe.

Ken, question: How does the MAO do over the CA finish? Any problems over time? thx in advance!
ps- as usual, very nice work!

Ken Hill
01-19-2011, 10:14 PM
The CA acts just like a sanding sealer. I put on several coats of Thin, then sand it down. I usually use dewaxed shellac but when ever there is a crack or an area that I feel needs abit of bonding I reach for the CA. I usually friction on some BLO just to take a gander at what I have and then will wet sand that in and then its ready for the MAO and in a day or so a buff.

Bernie Weishapl
01-19-2011, 10:35 PM
Ken those are some good looking calls and I like your pictures.

John Keeton
01-20-2011, 6:52 AM
Ken, love the purpleheart! Beautiful wood, and I suspect if will get prettier with the passage of time. Interesting finishing technique, too!

Let us know how you like the Barracuda chuck.

Ken Hill
01-20-2011, 7:08 AM
Thanks John and others for the comments.

John, the finish with using CA was merely from a lazy mans perspective. The proper way to fix or address any areas of concern should be handled like any other (wipe area with some form of finish to protect the wood from blotching with the CA etc) With such a small item, and a piece of wood that really does not jump out as being spectacular, it is just easier to soak the area, then do a wipe or two of thin and start the sanding process allowing the CA to be the sanding sealer. If this was a highly figured piece, I would indeed place the attention it would deserve to preserve the coloring and grain etc.

I personally do not like CA finishes on alot of my calls. I cant stand the smell and fumes, and I really do prefer to feel the wood when I handle the calls, but one can not deny the ease of application, durability, gloss and overall look of a good CA finish. The MAO finish seems to suit what I am after and those that have been buying my calls really comment on how well the item looks but also on how it feels. I geuss every finish has its place!

I have also been working on a way to do these pots with just a bottle stopper chuck, and all of these calls were made mainly with one. Infact, I have laid out the inner dimensions of my pots to work almost seamlessly with the chuck I am using, much less geuss work and measuring and the sound is right where I want it. I could change the middle hole and use it exclusivley but I prefer to work that one area using the 4 jaw....and thats why I grabbed the new chuck.

Ken Hill
01-20-2011, 8:41 AM
Finished this one this morning. Cherry has to be one of my favorites to turn

Aluminum over glass
3.5 "
MAO and buff finish



Bill Hunt
01-20-2011, 9:08 AM
Hi Ken, Bill Hunt here. Beautiful calls! Making pot calls is just another part of this addiction....

I made up a chuck for mounting my pots using a piece if 3/8" all thread through a piece of oak which is mounted to a face plate. I drill the center hole using a 23/64"bit which gives me a tight fit when I attach the pot. Let me back up a bit here, I use a 1 3/8" forstner bit to open up the pedestal hole then drill through the bottom with the 23/64" then mount it and turn the inside completly, then switch to a chuck on my Powermatic, which is 1 1/2 steps to my left, to complete the outside edge and bottom.

I've just completed 25 pots and 40 strikers getting ready for the upcoming season. I turn all my strikers from one piece unless I have a special order and use local woods unless again someone wants something special. I have a collector who I give first chance if I have a special piece of wood. I prefer that my calls are used instead of placed in a case to be looked at. But some people like to collect calls so who am I to judge?

again great calls!


Ken Hill
01-20-2011, 9:25 AM
Thanks Bill. Do you have a website or pics of your calls, I would love to see them! Ive turned a few one piece strikers, but learning the pots and strikers at once wasnt working. Withe the 2 piece, I was able to play with weights and diameters to quicken the learning curve without wasting alot of wood haha! Now that I have an idea of what it takes, I will probably start turning more one piece strikers.

Matt Ranum
01-20-2011, 10:05 AM
More nice calls Ken! Nice discussion of techniques here as well, sure helps those of us trying to learn how to do these.

Bill Hunt
01-20-2011, 1:38 PM
Ken,I don't have a web site but I will take some photos and post them here to show I turn the pots and strikers. I've found that if you think finials and start at the small end and turn back to the "handle/counter weight"?? end you get very little chatter and can turn down to 5/16" without a problem.

I'll try to get the photos later today,