View Full Version : little boxes

Mike McCann
01-19-2011, 9:17 AM
My two girls needed somewhere to store all there silly bands. I had the rockler box jig and thought I give it a try. The jig worked great. Here are the boxes I made out of cherry the wife pained the designs on them.


glenn bradley
01-19-2011, 9:36 AM
Great little boxes. The last shot says it all.

Mike McCann
01-21-2011, 2:20 PM

thanks my little one did not want to get in the picture but they love them

Ray McGrath
01-21-2011, 6:01 PM
Glenn is right, the smile says it all.

Michael Dromey
01-21-2011, 8:09 PM
The boxes will get lots of use in the future. I can see by the smile on her face that they like them. They look great.

Gary Pennington
01-21-2011, 9:54 PM
That smile is the best reason to work wood. Congrats.

Dave MacArthur
01-21-2011, 10:10 PM
you made someone very happy, and she'll think of that every time she sees the box for years and years--good show!

Joseph D'Orazio
01-24-2011, 12:06 PM
Boxes are my favorite thing. ¿That Rockler box jig is a good value, que no?

Mike McCann
01-24-2011, 1:35 PM
I like it. Someone can not remember who just did a review on them. I am in the camp I would rather spen money for a jig than build it since I have very limited shop time I would rather build something other than jigs.

Joseph D'Orazio
01-24-2011, 8:25 PM
I like it. Someone can not remember who just did a review on them. I am in the camp I would rather spen money for a jig than build it since I have very limited shop time I would rather build something other than jigs. Thank you for taking time to anser. I've managed to acquire a Leigh dovetail jig (love it) and have been wanting a box joint jig. I will have to get me one I reckon.

Lee Schierer
01-25-2011, 9:42 AM
Nice looking boxes. The recipient looks pleased so that is the important thing.

One design area you might want to look at in future boxes is to make the top and bottom floating panels inside the side frame pieces. Seasonal wood changes may cause your lids to cup as the lids expand or contract due to moisture changes in the air. You might be able to slow this down with equal coats of finish inside and out, but a floating panel will usually prevent the cupping.

Mike McCann
01-25-2011, 5:24 PM
Lee thanks for the advice. I did not even think about that since the boxes are so small. 3 x 7 inches. The boxes are about 1 year old now and there has not been any problems yet.


Ben Arnott
01-25-2011, 8:21 PM
Fantastic! I love the big smile. That's the best feedback anyone could give. :) Great job. You're wife has a talent for decorative painting as well. Very creative household! Outstanding thread.
