View Full Version : my version of frank pellow's saw horses

fred woltersdorf
01-11-2005, 1:22 PM
i needed to rip some mdf and frank's post came at the right time.this system is rock solid and breaks down very easily.thanks frank.i hope the pictures are attached.

Frank Pellow
01-11-2005, 1:43 PM
They look good Fred! Nice and new, not old and very much used like mine.

But, please don't give me the credit. The design credit belongs to Nick Engler.

Frank Pellow
01-11-2005, 1:48 PM
Fred, I just noticed the home made box with Festool on it in one of the photos. I assume that this is a box you made to hold your rails. Please give us some details.

I made such a box as can be seen in the thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=8377

fred woltersdorf
01-11-2005, 2:28 PM
frank the box is not an example of finewoodworking by any means.i wanted something to protect the rails,but didn't want to spend $80 for the festool soft sided bag.just thrown together with some lowes aspen for the sides and some cherry ply i had leftover.someday i would like to build a nicer one possibly with some handcut dovetails,but i'm not sure i want to go down that slippery slope.