View Full Version : I pulled the trigger on the DJ-20 thanks to ya'll (I'm am from Texas)

Silas Smith
01-11-2005, 11:41 AM
Well, believe it or not, everyone who responded to my thread actually helped me get the joiner. My wife read what everyone wrote and told me if it really is that good of a tool and you promise you won't ever want to upgrade it, then go ahead. I ended up paying the full $850 for it, but the previous owner only used it in his personal shop for about 2 years and then moved into metal working. I did get the owner to throw in free delivery. I will post more pictures when I get it in my shop........Do you believe that she actually bought the "I promise to never want a better machine in the future" line again, this has to be the tenth time I have used it.

larry merlau
01-11-2005, 11:47 AM
but i think it was my input of her getin that gift on top that put her over the edge in your favor :D

Karl Laustrup
01-11-2005, 11:47 AM
Way to go Silas. :D We are going to need pics once you get that puppy set up.

I would be careful though on making promises.:eek: Well, maybe not on making them but rather who you gloat about it to. ;)

Keith Christopher
01-11-2005, 11:52 AM
Do you believe that she actually bought the "I promise to never want a better machine in the future" line again, this has to be the tenth time I have used it.
no she didn't, the power is in her letting you think she bought it. ;)


Darren Ford
01-11-2005, 12:11 PM
Silas, congratulations on the jointer. As you know, we will want to see lots of pictures.

Also, I don't mean to nitpick, but you only thanked one person, "Y'all" is singular where I come from, the plural form is "all yall"

larry merlau
01-11-2005, 12:18 PM
Silas, congratulations on the jointer. As you know, we will want to see lots of pictures.

Also, I don't mean to nitpick, but you only thanked one person, "Y'all" is singular where I come from, the plural form is "all yall"

yahoo ya do no the lingo dwn thr/jist lik the term "bogur light'

Frank Pellow
01-11-2005, 12:22 PM
WOW, not only a great price but free shipment as well! Way to go!

Brian Buckley
01-11-2005, 12:40 PM

I am also in Houston. Please hurry, I have some wide boards that need to be worked on.:p Congradulations!


Ted Shrader
01-11-2005, 12:55 PM
Silas -

Congratulations. You wife is a very astute woman. You also got a great deal! Free delivery, too!


Kurt Aebi
01-11-2005, 1:19 PM
GREAT STEAL, ooops I Mean Score!

John Miliunas
01-11-2005, 1:45 PM
Congrats, Silas! Great machine for a great price.:) As for the "never to upgrade it" thing, it's all in what you call "upgrade". For instance, the DJ20, with its fantastic bed design, length and power, is fantastic "as is". BUT, there are also Helical cutterheads now available for it! Let's not forget about a power feeder, too! See, you can keep the "same" machine, but still improve on it!:) :cool:

Doug Shepard
01-11-2005, 2:20 PM
You will keep us updated on the final cost right? The one that includes the cost of your wife's bill when she drops it on you. No way in heck, she ain't cooking up somethin in the back of her head like "... since I let him get that joiner thingy, now I can get that new ????? for myself..."

Silas Smith
01-11-2005, 3:09 PM
You will keep us updated on the final cost right? The one that includes the cost of your wife's bill when she drops it on you. No way in heck, she ain't cooking up somethin in the back of her head like "... since I let him get that joiner thingy, now I can get that new ????? for myself..."
The final bill is about $2850. She mentioned that she really wanted to get a new sewing machine and she has a friend in the business that can get her one for 50% off. For $2000 I could get a decked out Unisaw, but I decided to wait until the joiner is here before negotiating further. What is she going to do, move the 500 LBS beast onto the curb? Let the battle of wits begin, now if I could just remember where I put my wits....

Mark Singer
01-11-2005, 3:35 PM
Its a great machine as is! You should love it! I never have to adjust mine!

Jim Dunn
01-11-2005, 3:38 PM
You could always teach her how to sew 2 sheets of 3/4" plywood together:) Then she could help you in the shop!

Maurice Ungaro
01-11-2005, 4:15 PM
The final bill is about $2850. She mentioned that she really wanted to get a new sewing machine and she has a friend in the business that can get her one for 50% off. For $2000 I could get a decked out Unisaw....Silas...$2000 for a sewing machine(and that's at 50% OFF!!!)? What does she do? Run an industrial operation?


David Wilson
01-11-2005, 4:49 PM
Congrats on the new DJ-20. I though a ya'll was a 2 masted sail boat with the mizen mast aft of the steering station.

Silas Smith
01-11-2005, 5:00 PM
Actually, she started a few years ago with a Sears Kenmore machine that cost about $100. As she got into sewing a little more, she started talking about how the machine she had didn't do all that she needed it to and that there were better results with a better machine. Before I know it, she is looking at $4000 machines that need their own computer hooked up to them. What kind of person is constantly thinking that the next size machine will be the missing piece of the puzzle to make them a better craftsman? That reminds me, I really need to think about that unisaw now that I have this new joiner. Then my work will really look better.

Jim Dunn
01-11-2005, 5:24 PM
Sooooooo!! She can sew plywood together, right? Put her to work in the shop;)

Ed Moehlenpah
01-11-2005, 11:23 PM
I have one with mine, and it makes it a lot easier to move. Of course, maybe you don't have to move machines around to use them, but I do.
Congratulations. So, that sewing machine would be a Pfaff or Viking? :-)
(bought two for my ex-wife :-( )

Kelly C. Hanna
01-12-2005, 7:43 AM
John has the right idea.....congrats on the DJ...very nice jointer!!