View Full Version : Finished Spalted Pecan Bowl

Nate Davey
01-16-2011, 5:04 PM
Here is the finished bowl I asked for help with on another post. Resanded to 600 grit and 2300 MM between coats. I ended up using Deft lacquer based sanding sealer and Deft lacquer satin brush on finish, but used a shop towel/fad type thingy and rubbed it on. Not sure how many coats at least 5.

A few lessons learned for punky, almost gone wood. I should have tried stabilizing the wood earlier, waited to long into the process which left some pits/tearout I couldn't sand out with out leaving a crater.

The pics were shot F8 with a 1.3 second shutter speed on a homemade photo gradient. Lighting was from a window and overhead CFL.

Thank you all for your advice all of it is stored away for future use.

Comments and criticism welcomed.


Don Alexander
01-16-2011, 5:08 PM
that piece has tons of character and it looks to me like you utilised the advice you got quite well

wouldn't be hard to look at that one everyday for alotta years to come

Steve Schlumpf
01-16-2011, 5:36 PM
Wow - that sure is some busy wood! Nice work! You should be happy with your results!

John Keeton
01-16-2011, 6:36 PM
Nate, I think you did very well just holding it together!! It really does have a lot of character, and you have far more patience than do I. I have chucked up wood like that before, but didn't have the fortitude to finish it out. Good work.

Dennis Ford
01-16-2011, 6:50 PM
Nice work! Not only is the wood very interesting but you bowl has a nice shape also.

Bill Hensley
01-16-2011, 6:58 PM
No guts, no glory, right? Good job on a nice piece of wood.