View Full Version : My Trainee Turner is Taking Over

Christopher K. Hartley
01-16-2011, 1:18 PM
Ever since Christmas my shop has become OUR shop. I was amazed when my Grandson Dylan got his toy tools and he started taking over (copying) my work and some of my shop space. 178285 He has been going to the shop with me almost every day for about six months and he has watched and learned.178282 178284178283 I was very disappointed that Home Depot or anyone for that matter did not produce or sell a toy wood lathe. Maybe I could talk Brent English into making a toy Robust...ya think?:o Guess the next step will have to be a mini or midi.:)

George Guadiane
01-16-2011, 2:25 PM
As a fairly long distance Grandpa, I am absolutely jealous!
As a guy who loves to see joy in the face of a child, I'm enchanted.
I have even felt like Dylan when cutting into what I know will be a magic piece of wood.


Roger Chandler
01-16-2011, 2:36 PM
Looks like he is a "chip off the old block," there Chris! What a great joy to have your grandson spend quality time........you are not just spending time, you are helping shape that life for good in the future generation!

That is a REAL Gloat!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
01-16-2011, 2:54 PM
Enjoy it Chris! It doesn't get any better than this.

John Keeton
01-16-2011, 2:57 PM
Chris, that is just too neat!! He looks like he is right at home!

Last Christmas (2009) Ms. Keeton and I found a small toy wood lathe - functional- for about $70, and ended up not getting it for one of our grandsons. Kind of wish we had. We looked for it this year and didn't find it, and I cannot recall the toy catalogue in which we saw it. It was one of those companies that sells the "creative" toys. We kind of like those better than all the digital gadgets that all the kids get.

Nate Davey
01-16-2011, 3:00 PM
I've offered before Christopher and I'll offer again. That big ole lathe of yours takes up so much space that neither you nor your grandson have room to work. I'll just swing by and free up some of that space for you :D. I remember working in my grandfathers shop and value it to this day.

David E Keller
01-16-2011, 4:12 PM
That's awesome! I spent a little quality time with my son today turning and talking tools(and safety). He's just beginning to get interested in what daddy is doing in the shop, and I hope his interest continues to grow.

Steve Schlumpf
01-16-2011, 5:39 PM
Chris - great series of photos that pretty much say it all! Have fun!

Christopher K. Hartley
01-16-2011, 7:07 PM
My wife and I never thought at this age we'd be raising another child. On the flip sid I don't know how I'd do without him. He makes everything a joy.:)

Faust M. Ruggiero
01-16-2011, 7:43 PM
I can only hope to be so lucky when my new grandson is old enough. I sure would like to think I will have someone interested in learning the joys of woodwork. Good for you. That little boy will keep you young.

Richard Madden
01-16-2011, 7:54 PM
I'm jealous for sure, we are still waiting for our first grandchild! Enjoy every moment, Chris...this is what memories are made of. Thanks for sharing.

Bill Hensley
01-16-2011, 7:55 PM
Roger said it best "that's a real gloat"!

When my grandson comes over and I ask what he wants to do, his response is typically "let's go to the shop". He caught on quick to turning bowls, he had good instincts handling the tools. Yep, that's my gloat.

Pete Jordan
01-16-2011, 8:22 PM
Congrats Grampa!

What a special treat!

Michael James
01-16-2011, 10:10 PM
You're a lucky man, mr. H. My granddaughter lives in Michigan and I won't see her until August!

Baxter Smith
01-16-2011, 10:39 PM
Great pictures! Not ready to be a grandfather yet but when it happens I would love to have pictures like that!

Don Alexander
01-17-2011, 12:04 AM
now that is truly PRICELESS :)

Antonio Martinez
01-17-2011, 8:49 AM
Have you seen one of these? Mattel used to sell a toy lathe that worked with Balsa wood. My sons had one and unfortunately was sold at a garage sale years ago (now I wish I had it for my as yet unborn grandchildren).


Bernie Weishapl
01-17-2011, 11:19 AM
Chris it doesn't get any better than that. Great pictures and looks like he is have a great time. We moved our grandson closer to Wichita and he has spent a lot of time with me in the shop. A lot better than the once a year visit.

Christopher K. Hartley
01-17-2011, 2:05 PM
Antonio, I had looked but did not see this. Thanks so much.
Have you seen one of these? Mattel used to sell a toy lathe that worked with Balsa wood. My sons had one and unfortunately was sold at a garage sale years ago (now I wish I had it for my as yet unborn grandchildren).


Antonio Martinez
01-17-2011, 2:41 PM
FOund another one!
