View Full Version : just bad wood I think

Harry Robinette
01-14-2011, 7:19 PM
I've been turning a while and this is just crazy,I got about 9 ft of 14 in poplar I've turned 6 or 7 bowls for family for the holidays and everything was OK.Now I can't get this wood to cut without it making a chattering sound but there is no chatter just noise.I'm thinking maybe internal crack or fault.What do you all think??? This is the second piece that has done this.

Brodie Brickey
01-14-2011, 7:51 PM

Are your tools sharp?

Is there a chattering sound when you aren't cutting?

Dennis Ford
01-14-2011, 8:08 PM
As you mentioned, an internal fault or crack will cause this. The fault might have run partly down the length of that wood. If you continue to turn this wood, stay out of the line of fire!

Harry Robinette
01-14-2011, 9:12 PM
Brodie-tools are sharp
- no sound when not cutting

Dennis-Line of fire is defiantly being watched,full face shield and gloves also.

This is something I haven't heard of in 12 years of turning.

Reed Gray
01-14-2011, 11:41 PM
If you are using a scraper, flat on the tool rest, especially near the rim, that would do it. A gouge can do the same thing. Mostly the bowl rim would be flexing. If there are cracks, for me, it is usually a ticking sound, 1 per revolution.

robo hippy

Harry Robinette
01-15-2011, 12:01 AM
This is happening with bowl gouge inside the bowl and the tool is NOT chattering, the finish is fine it just makes sounds like it's chattering,This is really weird.
Think I try another piece the beginning of the week. I wont be able to get to it till then.
Let you know what happens.
Thanks for the help guys.

Carol Kinney
01-15-2011, 8:10 AM
If you've done a few pieces from this same board you'd think you could see the crack at some point at the cut end. If you haven't already you might try using a magnifier to see if any cracks are present. It might be so small you can’t see it easily (I keep a magnifier in my drawer near my lathe – I’m always questioning what I see)!

To me it would be very odd if you've cut more than one piece and they all are making this sound and it is a crack and you not see the crack at either end (using a magnifier). If your tools are sharp, the tools aren't the source of the noise then only two other possibilities - lathe or wood.

Have you tried turning some other wood you have laying around? If it were me I'd make sure no cracks were present (using a magnifier) first. If that was negative my next step would to throw a different piece of wood on the lathe. If the sound is still there then it's the lathe (of course). But if it's gone then I'd cut smaller pieces off the wood in question to see if anything appears - which would be odd if you don't see it on multiple pieces.

Reed Gray
01-15-2011, 12:39 PM
Give the wood a good thump with a finger or knuckle. It will ring kind like a bell if the wood is sound, and will give a dull thump if cracked. Some times you will even hear the crack.

Other than that, I have no idea. If I was there, to actually see and hear, I could offer more advice.

robo hippy