View Full Version : Keller dovetail jig

Stephen Stark
01-14-2011, 10:24 AM
Has anyone used one and what were your impressions? Thanks

Jamie Buxton
01-14-2011, 11:19 AM
That's what I use in my shop. Its big advantage is its simplicity. It does what it does very well -- through dovetails on fixed centers -- and doesn't require a 300 page manual. If you're looking to build dovetail drawers with speed and accuracy, it is a good choice.

You can find lots of threads about the Keller jig with SMC's Search function. Click on Advanced Search in the upper right corner of this page.

Andrew Pitonyak
01-14-2011, 11:22 AM
I have not done much with it, but.....

I started with two two by fours that I flattened as best I could by hand (no power equipment to do it for me).
Attach each jig to a 2x4.
One jig requires no adjustment.
One jig you move back and forth until it is perfect (they provide a reference as to where they think it should be) then you tighten it up and then it just works.

If you live near Columbus Ohio (or someplace I may travel often), drop by try line.

If you want stupid simple use every time for a through dovetail with no versatility, you will probably LOVE this jig.

Richard Coers
01-14-2011, 11:35 AM
I love mine. I have two sizes. The greatest part about these, is the settings. You set the fit of the joint on the mounting of the fixture, not the height of the bit. So every time you put in the bit, it has the same fit. Height of the bit in the router only sets for the thickness of the wood, not the fit of the joint. My Omni-Jig quickly got it's own router since height of the bit set the fit. I use the 16" Keller upside down on the router table. No balancing of the router is required, and all the dust blows out in front of the fixture, not in my lap. Can't speak highly enough about these!