View Full Version : recent bowls

Nathan Hawkes
01-14-2011, 1:27 AM
Just wanted to share a few more pictures of bowls I've been working on over the holidays.
These three bowls are all from the same tree; red maple, with lots of burl and spalting. The finish is antique oil. the bark edged bowl is about 15", the other two are roughly 12" diameter.


Nathan Hawkes
01-14-2011, 1:32 AM
more bowls, The first is 8" curly black maple, then 15" wormy ash, 8" white ash with burning treatment on the rim, another shot of the black maple, and a 14" catalpa burl.


Bill Hensley
01-14-2011, 6:51 AM
Beautiful work and the wood is exceptional.

John Keeton
01-14-2011, 7:04 AM
Nathan, those are some beautiful bowls!! Well done, and an exceptional selection of woods.

Russell Eaton
01-14-2011, 7:17 AM
Nathan those are beautiful. I am amazed at how thin you got the natural edge bowl. Great job and thanks for posting.

philip labre
01-14-2011, 8:54 AM
Beautiful pieces!! Great wood and finish.

Baxter Smith
01-14-2011, 9:31 AM
That NE maple with the bark is awesome. I don't remember ever seeing a NE one I liked more on the inside!

Roland Martin
01-14-2011, 9:36 AM
There is some amazing grain and figure in these bowls and very fine finishing. The bark-edged bowl is an obvious winner in my eye, but all are very nice bowls. you do some very nice work!

Steve Vaughan
01-14-2011, 9:42 AM
These are beautiful bowls. But, I want to add something too - I really love the next to last picture in the first set of bowls! That is one striking shot there, with all the rich colors and grain of the bowl and the black background. Should be printed off, mounted in a frame, and hung on the wall, imho.

Bernie Weishapl
01-14-2011, 9:51 AM
Those are some really beautiful bowls. Really nice woods used.

Ted Calver
01-14-2011, 1:12 PM
Really nice work!! The wood is spectacular in all of them, but the bark on natural edge is my favorite. Thanks for posting.

David DeCristoforo
01-14-2011, 6:07 PM
These are all really nice. I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite although the thinner ones are appealingly delicate.

Mike Peace
01-14-2011, 7:57 PM
Beautiful bowls and great finishing with the AO.

Christopher K. Hartley
01-14-2011, 7:59 PM
Nathan, Beautiful work!!!:)

Clint Baxter
01-14-2011, 8:56 PM
Superb group of bowls. Great wood and great execution. Really like the finish on them as well.


Richard Madden
01-14-2011, 8:56 PM
Excellent work on all of them!

Nathan Hawkes
01-14-2011, 9:04 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Turning is keeping me busy lately!