View Full Version : Lazer

james pellick
01-13-2011, 9:53 PM
I have the Oneway Hollowing System and the lazer sucks.They are sending me another lazer for the third time,They said they fixed the problem which was bad switch.Well I still don't have a good one,they last for a few minutes and just quit,does anyone know where I can buy a reliable one maybe it will not be from China?:mad: I just need the light.

Steve Schlumpf
01-13-2011, 9:56 PM
James - I have been using my Monster system laser for over 3 years now and the only thing I have had to do is change the AAA batteries every once in a while. Check it out: http://monster-lathe-tools.com/cart.php?target=product&product_id=292&category_id=67

Ryan Baker
01-13-2011, 10:13 PM
The Oneway hollowing system has a laser??? Why would a laser be needed? It's virtually impossible to end up in the wrong place with the Oneway setup.

The Monster ones definitely should hold up.

Dale Bright
01-14-2011, 7:10 AM
I have the Oneway Hollowing System and the lazer sucks.They are sending me another lazer for the third time,They said they fixed the problem which was bad switch.Well I still don't have a good one,they last for a few minutes and just quit,does anyone know where I can buy a reliable one maybe it will not be from China?:mad: I just need the light.

James, I have the same rig and the lazer for it is 5 years old. I bought the rig used, last month, and have used is once. The on off switch is a issue. Mine tends to go off occasionally while in use but I just tap the lazer with my finger and it pops back on. I have been searching the web for a better replacement but I have not found one with the switch in the same position. I have found several that are the same diameter.

I emailed Kevin at Oneway and he said it is a known issue and they do not have a good fix for it, except to try a new one and you have done that. I also have the Monster lazer but it will not easily adapt to the Oneway rig but it could be done. The Oneway lazer has more adjustments, has a more rigid arm and is much easier to adjust.


Alan Zenreich
01-14-2011, 7:19 AM

Are you thinking of the coring system (which would not benefit from a laser)... and not the hollowing system?

Bill Blasic
01-14-2011, 7:42 AM
For another opinion I have not run into another laser system that is easier and faster to adjust and has a more solid dot with virtually no bounce while hollowing than the Monster Systems laser.

Steve Harder
01-14-2011, 9:08 AM
If you want to take the DIY approach this laser module and a cheap 3volt DC power supply from RadioShack gets you a reliable laser with an focusable beam dot.

I used alum tubing and wooden blocks to create the arm - I went for the lighter is better approach - you always seem to get some vibration unless you build a battleship arm - mine is easy to mount and store.


$4 including free shipping.

Ryan Baker
01-14-2011, 9:59 PM

Are you thinking of the coring system (which would not benefit from a laser)... and not the hollowing system?

Oops. I was indeed. Sorry. That's what I get for reading the forum half asleep.